A Month Later
Paige's POV
I got up and took a quick shower. I walked back to the room to see Liam on his phone. "Good morning."
"Good morning." I hurriedly picked an outfit and got dressed. "I might be a little late tonight, my class is working on something for the showcase and I have a solo." He nodded and got up.
"Babe, breathe. You're not going to be late. You woke up an hour earlier than you needed to." He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me. "How about we wake the twins and go get some breakfast and I'll drop you off at the school?" I nodded, smiling.
"You get ready and I'll go get them up." He nodded and I wiggled out of his grasp, walking to Peyton's room. I sat on her bed and she turned. "Wake up baby girl." Her eyes fluttered open and I smiled. "Good morning. We're going out for breakfast today." She nodded and I got up, walking out. I walked into Logan's room. "Logan wake up." He covered his head with his pillow and I sighed. "You can't get food if you don't wake up."
He shot up and I smirked. I ruffled his curls and walked out. I went back to mine and Liam's room. "So what are you performing to?"
"Well," My phone beeped and I saw a message from my teacher. "I now have a solo and a duet. My solo song is undecided at the moment but I've got two months to decide that. The duet song is Earned It by The Weekend." I shoved my phone in my bag.
"Duet?" His jaw clenched.
"Babe calm down. He knows I'm married. His sister is a fan of One Direction." I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Plus he has a girlfriend. She was his partner but she got a job as a backup dancer and I'm the only other girl that knows the dance. No need to get jealous." I smiled, pecking his lips. His features softened and his arms wrapped around my waist.
"Fine. Well let's go." He grabbed my hand and we walked out. "Where should we go?"
"IHOP?" He nodded and the twins walked out of their rooms. We got in the car and Liam pulled out. I turned on the radio and Loud by Jessie J came on. I looked out the window, thinking about the hate. I smiled, feeling Liam's hand on my thigh. We pulled into the parking lot and got out.
~Half Hour Later~
"Shit." Liam looked up at me, "Sorry for my language. Li I've got less than 10 minutes." He nodded and we got up. We got in the car and Liam sped off. We got to the school and I grabbed my bag. "I love you. I'll call when I get out." He nodded and pecked my lips. I turned and looked at the twins. "See you later." I blew them kisses and got out, running inside. I dodged a few people and bumped into Andre. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry Andre!"
"Not a problem. I wasn't paying attention. I was texting Danielle. She said hi."
"Tell her I said hello. We'd better get to the studio before we're late." He nodded and we walked to the studio. We opened the door just as the group before our duet finished.
"About time!" Emily walked over to us and took my bag. "I sent Andre to find you 10 minutes ago." I pulled my hair up and kicked off my shoes, sitting on the floor.
"I am so sorry! I was with Liam and the twins and lost track of time." I did a few quick stretches and walked to my position. I nodded and Emily started the music.
~Hours Later~
I sat down against the wall and opened my water bottle. "You were great." I looked up at Andre and smiled. "Need a ride?"
"Oh no. Liam's on his way. And thanks you were great too." He shoved his phone and keys in his pocket, sitting next to me. "How is Danielle?"
"She's good. Enjoying the tour." I nodded and my phone buzzed. I checked it seeing a message from Liam.
From Hubby💕💋:
Just left Louis's I'm on the way.I shoved my phone in my bag and shivered at the breeze. "Cold?"
"A little but I'm fine." I pulled my hood up on my sweatshirt and wrapped my arms around myself.
"Here." He gave me his flannel.
"I couldn't-"
"Paige take it." He chuckled wrapping it around me. "You're so stubborn."
"Yeah I know. You're a great friend Dre." I smiled punching his arm lightly. He chuckled again and looked at his phone.
"I have to go. Are you sure you don't need a ride?" I nodded and handed him his shirt. I hugged him and he got up. "See you tomorrow."
"Bye Dre." He jogged to his car and left. A few minutes later, Liam pulled up. I got up, grabbed my bag and walked to the car. I got in, "Hey." I pushed my hood off and buckled up.
"Hey princess. I'm sorry I'm late I was with the lads writing some stuff." He looked at me with sincere eyes.
"It's fine babe. Let's just go home. I have some homework to do." I smiled and laid my head against the seat. Liam grabbed my hand and drove home. He pulled in the driveway and we got out. I walked in the house and walked to the room. I sat on the bed with my laptop and got on the school website. I pulled up my assignments and started with English.
"What are you doing first?" Liam sat beside me.
"English. I have a paper to type about myself. My inspirations, motivations, achievements, goals, family. It's due in two days." I started typing and Liam laid on the bed.
Almost four hours later, I was sitting in the kitchen, still typing and eating a bowl of fruit. "Babe you've been working on your paper since we got back."
"I have to finish. I have other assignments to do too." I stared at the screen my hands cramping.
"Let me see." He sat across from me and took my computer. He typed his eyes alternating between the screen and the keyboard. A few minutes later, he slid the computer back to me and smiled. "Your paper is finished. "We can work on the other stuff later. Come on." I nodded and shut the laptop. I got up and followed him to the room. We laid on the bed, me fading in and out of consciousness. "Goodnight princess."
"Goodnight." I laid my head on his chest and fell asleep.

FanfictionThe Paynes have been doing pretty good but still run into a few problems every now and then. Rumors start, decisions are made, and things eventually clear up. Sequel to Strange Love Contains mature content.