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Liam's POV

I glanced at Paige still sleeping, smiling. Logan and Peyton sat in a corner playing with a toy. "Good morning." I looked down at Paige.

"It's afternoon. I've already gone to the interview." She giggled and stretched. "Sleep good?" She nodded, running a hand through her hair.

"Logan kicked me in my stomach once but yeah." She sat up and grabbed her clothes. "How was your morning?"

"Good. I think they enjoyed the interview. They answered a few questions." She smiled and walked in the bathroom.

A few minutes later, Paige walked out wearing a black skirt and crop top. Her red hair was curled and the tiara I bought her on her head. "Liam?" She waved her hand in my face and I looked at her. "You're staring." She lowered her head and shifted.

"Because you're gorgeous." I lifted her head up and she smiled. "What do you want to do today?" She put on her shoes and grabbed her phone.

"Well I was hoping we could go out today with the kids." She paused and giggled. "But first I need food." I nodded and got up. I grabbed her hand and the twins ran out. Niall was in the main area watching television.

"See you later Niall." We left and stepped in the elevator. I wrapped my arm around her and she smiled. She pulled her phone out and snapped a picture of our reflections in the mirror like elevator walls. I kissed her cheek and the elevator stopped. A lot of fans and paps were outside.

Logan grabbed Peyton's hand and they walked about a foot ahead of us. We stepped out and everyone went crazy. I smiled and waved a the fans, holding Paige tightly. I smiled at the kids, smiling as they ran to the van. Paige smiled and was about to get in the van when she frowned and walked to a group of fans.

"Please move." The girls stepped out of her way and she held a hand out to a small girl on the ground.

Paige's POV

The girl looked up a tad bit shocked. She took my hand and stood up. "T-thank you." She blushed and smiled.

"No problem love. It was rude of them to push you down." I glanced at the girls behind me and looked back at her. "I'm not a fan of bullying especially since I know how how it feels to be bullied." She nodded and pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose. "What's your name?"

"Ariel. And I'm used to it. I get bullied all the time." She looked down in embarrassment and I hugged her tightly.

"Next time, try to find your inner confidence and stand up to your bullies. I promise when you stand your ground they'll stop. Just be the beautiful young lady you are and you'll be fine." She nodded and I smiled. "Liam's probably beginning to get a bit impatient so here." I handed her my backstage pass and ran over to the van and climbed in. Liam got in beside me and kissed my head.

"That was sweet." He draped his arm around my shoulders and I cuddled into his side.

"You know I hate bullying. And she was really nice." I looked down at my buzzing phone and a twitter notification popped up.

ArielLove: Thank you Paige for the advice. It worked! You're my idol.

I smiled and followed her back. I sent her a message in her Direct Messages (A/N: Slide up in them dms) and looked at Liam's wedding band. He noticed me staring and chuckled. "I love you." I smiled up at him and he pecked my lips.

"I love you too beautiful." The van stopped and I looked out of the tinted windows. I spotted a Pizza Hut across the street. Liam got out and I followed, getting the twins out. He picked them both up and we walked across the street.

"I could've carried one of them." He put them down and grabbed my hand.

"It's perfectly fine. Let's go eat." He opened the door and held it open for me and the kids. We walked over to a booth and sat down. A waitress walked over and smiled at Liam. I looked at my phone, opening Instagram.

"Hi what can I get you to drink?" He cleared his throat and I continued to scroll through Instagram.

"Two teas. Thank you." She walked away and I closed down Instagram, opening snapchat. "Babe." I looked up, "Calm down love."

"I am calm." I looked back down at my phone and he sighed. "I swear, I'm calm." I smiled and put my phone away.

The waitress came back and sat the drinks down. "Are you all ready to order?" Liam nodded and she pulled her notepad out.

"A large pepperoni pizza." She wrote it down and walked away. "What was with the prank last night? I thought I was hallucinating." He chuckled and looked at the little girl beside him playing with her fingers.

"It was funny. Watching you frown and think you just pictured her standing there." She looked up and smiled.

"Mommy?" I looked at Logan and hummed in response. "I need to pee." I got up and he climbed out running to the bathroom. He came back and climbed back in the booth. I sat back down and used a napkin to dry his hands.

The waitress came back with our pizza and sat it on the table with four plates. She walked away and Liam grabbed a slice giving it to Peyton then doing the same with Logan. I grabbed a slice and bit it, the cheese stretching. Peyton and Logan laughed. I put my pizza on the plate and sipped my tea. I gave Logan some and handed him a napkin to wipe his face.

Once we finished eating and paid the check, leaving. As soon as we walked out, we were almost surrounded by paps and fans. "Can you run in those shoes?" I nodded and picked up Logan and Liam grabbed Peyton. We ran through the crowd and across the street to the van. "I hate paps sometimes."

"It's all part of being famous." I climbed in behind him and we left. "But how did they find us?"

"I have no clue." He pulled me in his lap and I smiled. "Can I have a kiss?" I shook my head. "Paige." He whined and I giggled.

"Fine. I guess I can give you one." I gave him a quick kiss and he smiled. "Hey there's a park." I pointed at it and the twins cheered, bouncing in their seats.

"Guess we're going to the park. He chuckled and the van stopped. We climbed out and the twins ran over to the playground.

"They've got enough energy to last me a lifetime." Liam and I walked over to a bench and sat down. "I wish I didn't have to leave." I laid my head on his shoulder and he grabbed my hands.

"Cheer up. The twins turn 4 in a few weeks." I nodded and smiled at them running around playing. "They remind me of you and Justin." I laughed and looked at him. His eyes scanned my face and he smiled.

"Race you to the swings." I got up and ran off with him hot on my tracks. He caught up and picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder. "Liam I'm wearing a skirt!!" I screamed, punching his back really hard.

"Ow!" He put me down and I punched his chest. "Again, ouch! Why?"

"You put me over your shoulder and I'm wearing a skirt." I crossed my arms over my chest, pouting.

"I'm sorry." He wrapped his arms around me and tried to kiss me but I turned my head.

"No." He tried again and I pushed him lightly. "Stop." I turned so my back was to him. I felt his hands on my waist and his breath near my ear. He started singing Let Me Love You by Mario and a smile started to form on my face.

He finished the song and I turned around. "I love you Paige." I smiled up at him and he pecked my lips. "I really am sorry."

"It's okay. I love you too." I walked over to the swings. I sat on one and twisted the chains. I picked my feet up and spun around, laughing. I did it again and looked at Liam.

"Come on." I got up and stumbled over to him. "Dizzy?"

"Very." He wrapped an arm around me and guided me to the van. I climbed in when I felt a hand squeezing my bum.

"Been wanting to do that all day." He smirked and got in. I playfully gave him a light slap and he chuckled. He slid away from me and laid his head in my lap. I ran my fingers through his hair and looked out the window.

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