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Liam's POV

I sat on the stairs on stage and looked out at the crowd during Harry's solo in Story Of My Life and adjusted my earpiece. I started on my solo. The entire time I sang I had Paige on my mind and what she said. Weeks had gone by since I had that conversation with her.

Once we'd finished that song I asked Louis to cover my solos until I got back. I walked backstage and handed a crew guy my microphone. I went in the dressing room, closing and locking the door. I sat down with my head in my hands. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up at Lou.

"Liam why aren't you out there?" I shook my head and looked back down. "What happened?"

"I talked to Paige last night. She saw the rumors and said we should take a break." I looked at her in the mirror with bloodshot eyes. "She even took off her rings."

"Both of them?" I turned and looked at her.

"All of them. The wedding band, the engagement ring, the promise ring, and one I gave her when she came to visit." I looked back down and she hugged me.

"Just give her time Liam. Now get yourself together and go finish putting on the greatest show ever." She pat my shoulder and walked out. I sighed and got up. I walked out, grabbing my mic and putting my earpieces in my ears. I walked back out right before they started singing Best Song Ever.

I smiled at a fan in the front row and waved. We sang and jumped around Once we finished the show we ran backstage and Lou gave me a thumbs up. I smiled and we went back to the hotel. I sent Paige a good night text and went to sleep.

Keisha's POV

I walked to Paige's room and saw her laying between the twins who were asleep. She had on her headphones and was looking at her phone, smiling. I noticed a glisten on her cheek and frowned. She'd been in here all day with the curtains drawn, crying and listening to music. The only times she came out was to take care of her hygiene, her hunger, and her children.

I stepped back and went to my old room. My laptop started ringing and I answered the Skype call. "Hi! I miss you!"

"Hey babe. I miss you too. How's my little girl doing?" I looked back at my daughter asleep on the bed and smiled.

"She's fine. She's sleeping right now but she misses you."

"I miss her too. But quick question." He looked up for a minute before looking back at the screen.

"Who is that? And quick answer." Zayn stuck his head in the screen and waved. "Oh hey Zayn! Anyway your question."

"The lads and I decided to help Liam. He's been shit since last night. He snapped during an interview and walked offstage during the concert. Do you think you can convince Paige to come to our next show?"

"I don't know but I can try. Where is it?"

"Uhh," He looked up, "Harry where's the next stop?" I couldn't understand the curly headed boy and looked at Louis. "New York." I nodded and yawned.

"I can try but I have to convince Justin and Kyrah to help me. Anyway I'm going to go ask. Talk later?"

"Alright babe. I love you." He hung up and I ran to Justin's room. I knocked on the door and Kyrah opened the door in Justin's shirt.

"I have a favor to ask." She let me in and I sat on the floor.

Paige's POV

I felt Peyton move and took off my headphones. "I miss daddy mommy." She climbed off the bed and ran out. Logan sat up and put on my headphones.

"I can hear daddy." I smiled at him and smothered him with kisses making him laugh. "Mommy!" Peyton came back with a pack of Oreos and climbed on the bed.

"How'd you get those? I can barely reach them." She giggled and I opened them. My door opened and I looked at Keisha. "Hey what's up?"

"I wanted to ask if you wanted to come with me to visit Louis. That way the twins can see Liam." I bit my lip and got up. "Perrie, Cameron, Justin, and Kyrah are going too." I looked back at the twins watching a video on my phone and sighed.

"Fine." I nodded and she smiled. "When do we leave?"

"In 20 minutes. Need a ride home?" I nodded and got the twins. Keisha took me home and I packed enough clothes for a week. I walked to the Peyton's room and looked at her.

"You ready baby girl?" She nodded and I walked to Logan's room. He was playing with the Nerf gun Liam gave him. "Time to go Logan. He grabbed his bag and ran to get his sister. I grabbed my bag and walked out.

We got in Keisha's car and she pulled off. "Justin, Kyrah, and Perrie are going to meet us there." She drove to the airport and we got out.

~Hours Later~

We arrived in New York and Louis and Zayn came to get us. "Hey." I climbed in the van and smiled at the two. Once everyone was in I looked at all the happy couples and watched Zayn and Louis with their daughters. I looked down at the rings on my hand. I traced the tattoo on my finger and saw a little hand grab mine. I looked at my kids and smiled. We went to the hotel and I asked Zayn where Liam was. He pointed to the door I was leaning against and walked away with Perrie and Cameron. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. The door swung open and I saw Harry standing there. He let us in and I sat on the couch.

"Liam! Come here!" I heard a thud and the door opened.

"Harry I told you d- Paige?" I chewed on the inside of my cheeks and waved." The twins ran up to him and I smiled as he hugged them. "Hi." He sat beside me and I noticed Harry had left the room. "Look Paige. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't think-"

"I accept your apology." He smiled and reached over to hug me before I put a hand on his chest. "We're still on break." His face dropped but he smiled again.

"The break is fine with me. Whatever you want. I'm just glad you accept my apology." I smiled and hugged him. He seemed surprised but hugged me back. I yawned and looked at the twins asleep on the other couch. "You and the twins can sleep in my room." He grabbed mine and the twins' bags and carried them to his room. I picked up the twins and carried them to his room, laying them on the bed.

"Where you going to sleep?" I looked at him confusedly.

"I can sleep on the couch." He started to walk out but I jumped on his back. "What are you doing?"

"Stopping you from sleeping on an uncomfortable couch. Back to bed." He chuckled and carried me to the bed. He laid me down and laid beside me. I had missed feeling his arms around me and smiled falling asleep.

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