Wounded heart-2( Rohirat) End

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Flash back:

(A/N: For flashback episode there is no connection to the main story. But it will establish Rohirat bond, their personality)
  It's already night.. vi sitting silently seeing the sea infront of him.. It's like his habit..if he sad, anger, depressed he always try to escape from that situation.. escape from people..like today.. he ran away here.

   It's already late.. Vi looked around..seems like everyone already left..everywhere surrounds darkness..vi heart plundering..his body trembling with fear...till he feel someone sit beside him..very close and took vi hand in his...

  Vi knew very well who he is..his best friend Ro..his Ro.. vi weakly leaned  on Ro shoulder.. ro also didn't said anything.. both were silent...but that silence itself giving vi confort..

  "Why you left party?" Ask Ro breaking silence.." what to tell?" He asked.

  "No" vi replied shortly and lean on ro lap to sleep.. ro gently caress his hair..to sooth him..

   Vi remembered what happened today's morning.. his manager touch him inappropriately..telling if vi coperate he will make sure vi get more chances to play cricket... Vi got angry and slap him . Vi immediately left there.. but he didn't tell anyone this..here they are newcomers to this cricket world..he don't want to involve anything which will give him spotlight..

   But after evening party.. their manager attended like nothing happened..he talked with everyone casually..even with vi..by the name of taking photos there also he touch..vi waist.. that touch... it's disgusting... unintentionally hot tear drop from vi..

  "Am i that weak.. that person treating me this badly.." these thoughts only running him..what if he complaint on him to ict. Is he fight against that person who have lot of influence then him?.. can he survive creating rivalry with him?..

  Vi mind became mess..

  "Vi..vi" With ro voice he open his eyes..

  "Shall we? " Ro asked vi nod and got up..

  Ro start gis bike and signed vi to hop.. vi mind..not able to forget about that disgusting touch on his body..vi tightly hug ro..he want to erase..he want to forget that inappropriate things... Ro feel something off..but he became silent and let vi do what he want to get his confort...

  Vi don't want to tell..so ro don't want to force..he will wait..he can wait for his vi..


  Ro sleeping couch. Which he place beside vi bed..looking at vi sadly..who sleeping without any moment on bed.. it's been 4 months..vi is in coma..daily Ro accompanying vi faithfully.. vi father happened to went other contry for business work..

     ro request vi mother to stay in home..even though she wanted to stay at hospital along with her son..but she already very taird staying at hospital so ro told that he will take care of vi.

   he hold vi hand sadly.." are you angry that i didnt come in time? Is that why you are punishing me like that.. please vi.. forgive me this time and give me one last chance i will keep you save..i will not let anyone harm you again.." ro begging vi to wake up.. with tears..

   Tears droping from vi eyes also... telling that he is here..he also want to hold his ro

  Same time mahi and sonu came to see vi.. witnessing Ro like this...Mahi became weak collaps on near chair... Seeing his both kids in this condition.. persing mahi heart...

  "Even god also don't have any mercy.. torturing these poor kids like this" mahi cursed ..

  "Mahi.. please control yourself..vi will soon wake up.. everything will be alright..not all problems are stay longer" sonu said try to console his lover..

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