Made for each other- END

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A/N: ICT version

A/N: in this au mxm marriages are comment. Some men are barriers, who can get pregnant.Some are normal men.Normal male can marry with barrier male. Pairs:

Rohit× Virat
Mahi × Yuvi
Hardik× Rahul
Shubu× Ishan
Mayu × Abhi


Rohit , shubman sit in coffee Shop waiting for their Clint,sipping their coffee..After sometime one person come near to them

"Are you the brokers my father ask me to meet?"Asked that person.

With that word broker both Rohit and Shubman chock their coffee. Rohit the one who come out from that insult first and greet him

"Hi,Iam Rohit sharma and this is Shubman Sharma"said Rohit introduce to that third person.

"Yeah,we are from made for each other marriage Bureau. And we are your agents " replied Rohit sharma.

"Hmm,nice to meet you .Iam virat. Virat kohli.So my guess is correct. You are that brokers" Virat said with cheerful smile.

Every time they hear 'broker'word from their Clint,it's really feel like piercing needles into their hearts.

"Sir, please dont use that word again, call us with our names" Rohit requested to Virat politely.

"Hugh,,ok ok don't cry .I will call you by your names only Rohit " Virat said never leave his signature smile.

'Rohit' his name from Virat lips,it's really like melodious music to Rohit ears.

But he control himself immediately. "Ok,Mr. Kohli what you expect from your Partner?"Rohit asked.

"Two extra brother's" Vi answer with jet speed, which shocks other two again.

What the...

Vi who understand their expression "what i mean is i want my brothers to be my grooms men. I want to be with my brothers after my marriage also.So,if we marry to brothers we will happily live with each other." Vi explain to them.

".... but your father said that you all five brothers?, don't you want your remaining brothers?"Shub asked him.

Actually shub's first thought after heard that old man having five children was only one'how much assiduous aunty had to give birth to five children'.

Vi somewhat feel uncomfortable by that question..."actually i am close with yuvi and Rahul more then others" vi replied after feeling some hesitation.

"You love your brothers that much?"Rohit asked.

"Yes,i love them.And not only that i really want to with them...,one dont know how to talk and other don't know what to talk.that's why i want with them after my marriage.... So i can take care of them"said virat.

"Is that only thing you expecting from your Partner?,should have atleast two brothers?... That's the only requirement you want "Shub asked.

"No,,not at brothers should like them. Their partners also must show soo much of love to my brothers"

"Virat after our meeting we will ask your brothers what they want from their life partners. Now just tell me only about you and your partner. You told me that their partners should love your brothers.Is it enough? is it ok with you if he doesn't love you enough also?"Rohit asked with concern.

"Rohit ,he should love me without a doubt. If His brothers loves my brothers unconditionally don't you think the other brother who come from same family,share triple brother bond he is definitely know how to love his wife and take care of him right...."Vi replied

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