Be Mine( Rohirat)- END

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(A/N: TW: Character death, M perg

Main character: Shaana, Rohit, Virat, Sonu)

Shaana, Sonu now in car.Shaana driving, Sonu sit beside Shaana.Breaking the silence "now a days i am eating lot " Sonu said with blushing.

"Ok, darling you eat as much as you want. What's problem in that? what you want to eat just tell me i will buy for you" Shaana said casually.

Sonu became irritated this is not the responce he expected from Shaana..his husband "I am getting fatter,in few months i will be like a ballon"

"Darling don't feel bad, even you are fatter also... you always the cutest thing in this world to me"Said Shaana to reassure his husband.

"Ughhh,,you really not get it idiot,iam pregnent" sonu said in frustration.

Shaana stop his car with that sudden news.At this moment he feels that he is the lucky man alive in this earth.Shaana turn to Sonu who smiling with happy tears"baby,,,,,,"

His words stop... in middle way suddnly he feel some bigger vehical collide with their car, their car completly crash.

After few minutes both surround by darkness.

In hospital:

"We are sorry,we try our level best,but we not able to save your husband"doctor said to Shaana,who is now in hospital bed with bandages on his head,leg,and one arm.

Shaana world collaps at that second. He lost his Sonu,their baby.he lost his hope to alive.He don't even know what to do other then crying.

Sonu and Shaana both are orphans.Both were software engineers.Love made them unite. They both lived in their cute little world with full of happiness. Till yesterday' s night.

"Mr. Shaana Chakraborty i can understand your feelings, but you have other chance to feel your husband life.your husband donate his body organs when he alive.If you don't have any problem with this you can sign here."

Doctor feel hesitate to continue but he have no option" I know it's wrong to talk at this moment. If you are not comfortable we didn't proceed this any further. You can take him,if you want".

"It's ok.It's his wish to save others after his died. Tell me where should I sign?"said shaana.

After five months:

Shaana became lifeless after sonu's death.Two months before the person who drunk and crash their car,that truck driver got punished by law. But that doesn't make any change in Shaana's life.Because of other wrong doing he completly lose his all.

Other side:

One boy who may be in his18 or 19 run to escape from his attackers.afer long chase he saw one car door is open he immediately hop into car and lock from inside. He try to start the car but it's not starting.His fear increase minute by minute. Maybe car got repaire that's why car owner left this car.

"You.... come outside. If you come immediately we will give you less pain death,if not you really regret it afterwards.I will count 3 numbers .open your car before itself."with that he start counting.

That boy crying with fear holding car door tightly.

After completing 3 numbers His attackers start throwing Wine bottles, rocks around that car.

At the same time Shaana come there,with scarf covering face.its jungle area.Its sonu and his secret place for relaxation place. After stay at that place some time he return to his car.

One attacker saw Shaana "We only want to kill him. If you want to die for him,we gladly grant your wish."

Shaana really don't have intrest to save that boy or his with out any replay he start walking away.

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