Incredible Love -2- END

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It's already night.. vi sitting on his hospital bed thinking something badly.

Mahi entered.

After that day of their confession..Mahi always be with vi and taking care of vi.. for vi chemotherapy also started.. after completed his office Mahi immediately rushes to vi hospital..

"I thought you will not told you are having some kind of meating with USA branch.. i thought you will go home to take rest.. after all you may become very taird" said vi.

"If you think i am not come..then why you are waiting for me darling..and yes i became very taird.. that's why i rushed to home as early as possible" said mahi with smile sitting on the bed next to vi..

"Is hospital gave home feeling to you?" Vi asked leaning his head on mahi shoulder.

"Yes. Where my wify is there...that only my home" replied Mahi simply.

"Oh.. if iam in grave yard..."

"Don't dare to finish that sentence Mr. Virat kohli" Mahi said with anger cut vi words..

"Sorry " vi replied.

"Yes "Mahi answered

"Huh?" Vi confused.

"For your question where you are there only my home. If it is house, hospital..or graveyard.. which you told earlier..."

Vi put his hands on mahi mouth..

"Don't talk like that.."

"That's what Iam telling... don't talk like that" mahi said..

"Okay..leave about bad things.. think about something else"said vi put in head on mahi head once again..


"Mahi imagine.. one full moon small boat.. surrounds.. water and lotus flowers.. infront of you i am sitting in that boat.. you looking at me with full of love... Above moon coolness.. beside your warmthness.. how was it mahi?" Vi asked.

"Beautiful " vi replied.

"Then let's do this..mahi" said vi got up from bed happily with lots of excitement.

"What?.. vi you are not allowed to go out"

"That's why we are elop. After sometime we enjoy there we will return" saying that vi about to go out..

Rohit entered there room.. looking questingingly like asking what you are doing.. rohit also doctor who work in same hospital..where ever he got time he take care of vi.. he is in night he came to check vi..

"Nothing.. i just come for midnight walk in hospital corridors.. why am i not allowed to walk on corridors also?" Vi sacristically said and left there..

"Come early.. he need to rest" Ro said to mahi in low tone and left.. this secret is in between these three peope..


Mahi arranged all the things..after enjoying their mahi force.. unwillingly vi happened to return hopital.. mahi also made vi to take steam vi can't get cold..


Vi sitting in hospital bed.. mahi handover medications to him.. he just turn that side and give juice to vi.. and look at vi whom handover empty milk glass to him..

"Completed?.. you gulp all the medicines?.. this fast?" Mahi asked surprisingly..

"Yes..i want to cure fast" said vi with cheeky smile.

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