Phase -5( Rohirat)

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(A/N: This chapter mainly focus on Shaana and Cheeku childhood. most of the things may distrub you. Child abuse, murder, sexual harrasment etc. I mention in this chapter. So read at your own risk. Just enjoy the story. But dont give negative feedback plz... )

Rohit opened his eyes..he looks around.everything was dark. Everything is empty. No one was there expect him.some distance he saw light ray. Ro walks near that light sorce...that light fell on one mirror. In that mirror reflextion he saw that person who exactly look like him. The one who hunting him and only Shaana. But there is some change..Shaana per their recorders shaana normally ware casual that to light colour Shaana wear black and red suit..which made shaana look mature... like..exactly like rohit. Now rohit was in white shirt and black pant..

"Shaana" Ro called.

" caught me...i thought you will not recognise me.after forgot about me" Shaana said with sarcastic smile...with showing full of rage towards rohit.

"Yes..iam, the one and only shaana" said Shaana angrily.

Rohit stunned...why... how he is seeing Shaana now..

"Want to hear a story?"



Once upon a time a small, not famous railway station there. One station master, two or three stalls, for passengers..we can count easily..the number..only three passenger trains only have stop here.that trains also will go to main station. Where more train facilities for different villages available.

Its already night 11:30 With the bell sound and showing green colour signal train depart from this station. Near the station bench two little pumpkins trying to sleep covering one plastic cover to prevent cold breeze...its not working though...showing winter season coming.

Little Shaana 7 years old close his cheeku (who smaller then him by 2years) ears to prevent train the smaller can sleep... Vi hug shaana very tightly due to cold.. they both sleep side by side facing each other vi sleep on shaana right hand..while with left hand shaana embraces younger.. vi sleeping tightly holding shaana coller.

Shaana look at vi face who shivering with cold... "If they can't able to raise a child why the hell they give birth to him in frist let this kid suffer for their sins?" Shaana cursed in mind.

He really hate vi mother..who left 3years old kid here.

Dont know how vi became his cheeku.,.or his life..first time he saw three years old kid who happily came to ralway station along with his mother... holding her finger with his little hand. The spark ..the happiness..excitement in that kid's eyes..shaana dazed forgetting to do his polish work..till he hear the customer shout at him...shaana continued polishing the customer shoues..

Lunch time he buy one bun to eat..then he saw that kid mother hurriedly got into the train...but something is missing... that kid.. who should beside her and hold her hand. .involuntary Shaana run to search the kid..after 5 minutes only he got the kid...crying and hiccuping crawling his a small corner..outside of waiting room...dont know..but seeing the younger like that persing Shaana heart... Shaana immediately aproch the kid and give his hand gesturing the younger one to look at shaana with his teary..wet eyes..and took shaana's hand..

From that moment shaana never left vi hand. Polishing shoes, cleaning rail compartments, supplying food he started to do all the earn more money..he also attract people with his music.. shaana also play flute very vell. Vi always like his tail..even though vi want to help arthit..but Shaana dont let..he want vi to study.. the younger intrested in studying..he already help shaana to write his name also..shaana want to earn more money to secure vi future..

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