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Silence. Pin drop silence evaded the whole atmosphere. Breaths hitched and fingers crossed. The anticipation and the anxiety taking its toll on everybody. It was supposed to be a just normal Saturday as every other weekends. However, it was not. Nothing was just normal about this day.

Never in a million years would have they thought this would happen. And that too in such a shocking, haunting way. No-one imagined even in their wildest dreams that what tragedy is going to hit them in a few months. The happiness would be consumed by the clouds of the despair. Joy chewed by the monstrous gloom looming over their heads.

Until nothing left to cheer for.

Until everything turned to dust.

Those desperate, full of hope brown eyes were jammed at the front seat where the judge sat. He was a man in his late fifties. He bear a beard which was white and looked old. His hairs although still black with few specks of white could be seen spread here and there. His round face stoic and not an ounce of emotion could be seen.

It's like he's been made of steel. Most probably he was. Because what he did was not expected by a human after all. The fingers were crossed firmly in the lap. Eyes closed now praying for a miracle to happen.

For justice to prevail.

But those eyes weren't ready for the inhumane and cruelty of the world yet. They were so young, timid and totally out of experience. Unaware of the monstrous world out there. They would consume that innocence within a blink of eye. Her shining eyes turned towards the right when she felt a tug at her fingers.

Similar brown eyes stared back at her. They were old, wrinkled with the age of time. But unlike the girl, there were no hope in those eyes. Like those eyes know the very outcome before it even came into the day of light. Those eyes were not hopeful. They were tearful.

The girl shook her head ever so lightly that if someone wasn't paying attention, they wouldn't even notice it. She squeezed those wrinkled hands before facing the judge yet again. She took a long deep breath. Chanting only one thing.

"It will be alright."

Her praying never stop. Soon after, she heard the door opening. Her eyes immediately wafted towards the incoming presence. A block of emotion stuck in her throat begging to be released. But she knew she couldn't do it. She needed to be strong. She can't be weak right now. She needs to muster as courage as possible.

A man not more old than fifty came into the view. He was wearing a black and white strips prisoner's uniform. His frail hands cuffed tightly. Only the sight of frail old man brought tears to the young girl's orbs. She clasped her hand on her mouth to control her sobs. The old man's eyes connected with her. She tried to smile. But it was not possible.

Her inner turmoil refused her to smile. Few treacherous tears leaked down her eyes. The old man just passed her a million dollar smile and a wide grin appeared automatically on her face. That's how easily he brought smile to her lips even in such dreadful time period.

The man was taken towards the culprit box. The girl's eyes scrutinized the man's every movement. She squeezed her mother's hands again and again needing a sense of comfort. An ease that there might be a way. That there's hope. That something unexpectedly amazing would happen in the next few hours.

That justice will prevail.


"By all the evidences and the witnesses, the jury had come to a proper and legitimate conclusion."

The announcement was enough to make her heartbeat faster. She breath hitched and she squeezed her eyes praying for the truth to flourish. Her mother's hands grabbed hers and pulled it closer to her chest. She needed the comfort. As much she was trying to be strong for her daughter but it was her husband out there.

Her very pious, law abiding husband was now hand cuffed standing infront of the jury. The one who always walked with head held high, now was head down. Her eyes kept connecting with her husband. He instead of everything, kept throwing reassuring glances at her.

The judge then again, took a long sigh before he announced his verdict

"Taimur Baig was brought here in the case of embezzlement, misuse of his authorized power and apprehension of doing shady business."

Eyes squeezed shut tightly. Please God. Please!

She kept praying and kept holding onto the hope. But what came next, shook her to the core

"The jury based on the all the evidences, had come to the conclusion that Mr. Taimur Baig will be held responsible for all the embezzlement. He would have 20 years of prison with hard labour."

The judge ordered and the verdict was signed. Taimur eyes clashed over to the place where his wife and daughter was sitting. Uncountable amount of tears leaked down her eyes. Her heart was shattered. How she was hoping that the judge wouldn't disappoint her. That he wouldn't let her down. That he would do what was right.

But oh, she was wrong. She was so damn wrong. They didn't right. They only add more fire to her already burning heart. She stood up along with her mother when she saw that the police was taking her father away. Her mother and she leaped out towards him. But the officers hold them back. She couldn't even have one last hug with her father.

Frustration and deception clawed its way on her self and she couldn't help but let out a harsh shout

"Get the hell away! I want to hug my father."

She leapt out again but one harsh push sent her stumbling back. If not two pair of hands grabbed her, she would've fall on the ground and could get hurt significantly. She looked up with her teary eyes. Two pairs of brownish hazel eyes looked back at her. She wiped her tears and untangled herself from his grip.

"Please, tell them to let me have one last hug. Please just one hug!"

Her desperate cry of request did something to his heart. But he didn't let it show. He only nodded his head before he motioned her towards the spot where his father was standing. Looking devastated by the condition of his daughter.

"Let her have one last hug. She's not asking for anything anymore."

The police officer nodded reluctantly before she immediately lunged at her father. His warm embrace cocooned her and she felt safe and sound. Amidst the chaos surrounding them, she felt like everything is alright. She pulled away before her eyes met with her father. They supported a fire inside of them.

She held her voice high before she muttered with a tone of determination evident in her voice

"I'm gonna make them pay. I'm gonna get your justice which was denied by them. I will not stop until I prove your innocence to the world. I promise, abbu."


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I'll see you all soon with the first chapter

See you soon

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