۳۰: غصّہ/ Fury

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The heavy breathing of his matched the swish of the punching bag as it swinged back and forth violently into the air. The loud thump thump the only sound resonating into the air. It matched with his jagged breaths. Fury laced in his eyes and it can be seen into the way he violently kept punching the bag.

His knuckles red and ached ten times worse. But it didn't affect him. None of it affect him. His mind was long gone. A lost cause. The voice around himself static. Eyes vacant and faced contorted into one with fury. His red eyes a stark combination to the anger he's feeling brewing inside his chest.

So strong. So potent. He hardly controlled himself not to beat the hell out of him. He wanted to hurt him so badly that he won't ever try to come between him and his plans. And that's why he was taking out his fury on the miserable punching bag. It was worn out after hours of use.

But his punches doesn't stop. They kept going on and on until his knuckles seeped out blood by the wounds on it. Only then he stopped. He took large breaths to calm down himself. When he came down from the high of his anger then only he pushed the back away and walked out of the inside gym.

He headed straight to the kitchen and brought out a water of bottle out from the refrigerator. Chugging down half the bottle, he slammed it on the counter causing few drops of water to spill on the granite top.

He ran his fingers through his messy and sweaty hairs after hours of working out. It didn't lessen the fury brewing inside but it did give him time to think. To think through what's his neck step will be. What steps must be taken to reach his one ultimate goal.

Everything was going out strong. He had no trouble whatsoever. But up he came and destroyed everything in a span of just minutes. Ruined everything he spent years building. He became a mountain sized rock between the routes of his plans. And what happens to the rock?

They are taken out of the way.

It was all going to be like the plan but his sudden presence caused a havoc in his games. He was a hurdle. Now, even bigger one. His mind kept drifting to tonight's scene. The way he was looking at her. He knew that look all to well. It was a look of love. A look of adoration. A look that said I'll always be by your side for the rest of the life.

His mind kept playing that significant scene when he held out his hand for her and she placed her soft hands into his. Totally trusting him. Why? Why did she do it? Doesn't she know how he felt for her? He was doing everything for her and she doesn't even give him a single chance.

That's not good. She shouldn't have discarded him like a used tissue.

There will be consequences for it. She shouldn't have trashed him like that and then go about and choose him. No. She did him dirty. And he was known to take his revenge. So brutally. But he wasn't angry at her at all. Hurt for sure. But not angry. It was all his fault.

If he hadn't come here, she would've been his. He would've easily go on about his plans. He would've achieve everything without doing all of this. And he will achieve his goal. It's just that now the curriculum will be a little different. First, he need to get rid of the unnecessary hurdles and troubles. You know what they said.

If something started to annoy you, get rid of the thing itself.

Be ready Irtaza Haroon for he had taken matters into his own hands. A thunderstorm is waiting for him. And it will hit him when he will least expect it. And the thing about thunderstorm is that

They destroy everything that come in between.


It was a bright morning. The sun out about and shining blissfully causing a golden halo all over the city. It was a relatively cool day. The rays penetrated through the room and fell onto the sleeping figures on the bed.

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