۲۶: نتیجہ / Aftershock

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"What happened?"

Irtaza could hear the rasp voice of Arsalan behind him. He was breathing heavily and his breaths coming in pants.

"He's dead."

Irtaza only managed to mutter. For a fact, he was still a little shaken up. Seeing a perfectly healthy man suddenly dying before you is quite rare.

"Are you ok? How did this happen?"

Arsalan probed as he took a step ahead and stood right beside Irtaza. He only shook his head

"I don't know."

Arsalan cursed before rubbing a hand over his face. Jalal was their trump card to reach Demir. Now, that he's out of the picture, this will only complicate the matters further.

"I need to find Miraal."

Irtaza was out of there before Arsalan could even replied back. Heart in his throat, Irtaza ran towards the main hall. He was scared. He was scared for Miraal. Whoever that person was, he was dangerous. He needs to get Miraal out of here immediately. He ran inside and he could sense that they all already had heard the gunshot.

There was a commotion and everyone was trying to run away. He mingled around the crowd searching for his fiancee. His heart beating wildly in his chest. His mind kept thinking of the worst case scenarios. What if that man saw them together? What if he had already hurt Miraal?

The only thought of it brought a chill ran down his spine. No, she will be fine. She's just hiding. He shouted her name. His voice a desperate sensation of plea. He waited for the response. None came. As the time passes by, fear escalated in him. What if they had taken Miraal?

"Irtaza! Did you find her?"

He heard the voice of Arsalan. Most probably, he was also searching for her. He shook his head. His mind already playing the worst scene right infront of his eyes. And he had to violently shook his head to get that horrible scene before him.

"We'll find her. Maybe, she got scared and hid."

Arsalan tried to be optimistic. But he also knew. Something was wrong. Irtaza hold down on his emotions and again shouted for her.


Almost, all the hall had been emptied. The guests ran away. Only a handful of people were still there trying to navigate the situation.

"I'll call the police."

Arsalan walked outside. Irtaza roamed around the hall and then suddenly, his eyes caught a figure. Hidden behind a large pillar away from the light. He jogged to that spot and relief washed over him when he found his fiancee standing right there.

Her eyes were tightly shut. Her hands trembling. Yet, there was not an ounce of fear over her face. She was at peace.


He whispered quietly not wanting to startle her. She jerked before opening her eyes coming out of a daze.


A relieved breathed left her lips before Irtaza calmed her down

"It's ok. You're safe."

She gulped. When she heard the gunshot, she was frozen for a while. In her life, she never had listened to that shrill voice ever. She had seen multiple times in television about firing and all. But not once did she ever hear it herself. And that too with such near distance.

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