۳: مشکلات / Difficulties

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Sitting in the bus, Miraal was lost in her thoughts. After leaving Ms. Abeera's cabin, she was not at all hopeful that she would get the job. Another day. Another failure. She thought to herself. She always tries to keep her spirits high. But it's not been easy. She tries her level best not to be ungrateful because atleast she still have a roof over her head.

But still an inkling of being unsuccessful lit into the depths of her heart. What will she say to her mother at home now? She saw the light of hope in her eyes. She would be devastated to see that light withering away yet again. In these five years, all that Almirah ever wanted was to see her daughter thriving in the world.

Paving her own path.

Miraal was on the verge of a breakdown. But she held it in. She can't be weak. She just have to try harder. All problems will be solve if she just keep on going. That's the motto. The bus stopped at the bus stop and she stepped out. It was close to 3 in the afternoon now. Since, it was almost the end of July, but still the air was humid and warm. She could feel sweat dripping down her shirt.

She started walking towards her block. Her heart was sinking as she neared her house. She doesn't want to disappoint her mother. She promised her that she would be successful. That she won't back up on her dreams. But it all seems so difficult now. It's spiraling out of control. As she continued her walk, she saw a small child.

He was dressed in rags and looked homeless. He was sitting on the footpath while gazing out at the people going by. His eyes held longing. He was watching them with sorrow filled eyes. Miraal's heart broke into pieces. He was so small. He shouldn't be able to witness such cruelty at such a young age. She neared him before squatting down at him.

She doesn't care if her dress was getting dirty. All she cared was to talk to that boy. The boy must've felt her presence because he gazes up. His eyes were a striking color of blue. They looked so vibrant. So full of life. Miraal's heart if not but sank further.

"What are you doing here?"

She knew it was a silly question. But she has to start a conversation. The boy shrugged before answering

"I live here."

His voice was so nonchalant. Like he was used to living on the streets. She sighed before asking further

"Where's you're parents?"

The boy looked up at her before a look of pure grief passed down his eyes.

"They're dead."

A loud gasp was about to leave Miraal's mouth but she controlled it at the very last second. She doesn't want to scare the child off.

"So, you're being alone since then?"

The boy meekly nodded his head. That's awful. She thought.

"Is there anyone else to help you out?"

The boy again shook his head.

"When parents leave, all the relatives turn their backs on."

The boy spoke so solemnly. But his voice was filled with experience. He looked super young but maybe tragedy has aged him ten times. Miraal kept on talking

"Are you always been living here?"

She meant on the streets. But she doesn't want to call it out loud. The boy turned to look at her before he gave her a broken smile

"On the streets?"

She was a little taken aback by the question but nodded nonetheless. He again shook his head.

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