۲: انٹرویو / Interview

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Breath stuck in throat. Heartbeat accelerating as the vehicle approaches towards it's destination. Fingers crossed tightly at her lap, Miraal was impatiently waiting. She was nervous. Of course. Anyone would be. It wasn't her first interview for a job. But still nerves were sky high. She could feel nervousness and anxiety oozing out of her body.

Miraal has just completed her studies and got the degree on LLB. She was applying for a job. Becoming a lawyer was never her dream. She never aspire or even imagined to be a lawyer. She always wanted to be an interior designer. She was fascinated by the outlay and the construction of a house. She found great interest in all the architecture.

She was all set and sure to further her studies on that subject but alas, life was unpredictable. When tragedies struck out of nowhere, unexpected decisions must be taken. And that's what she did exactly. Dumping her life long dream in the bin and choosing to become a lawyer instead.

Alot of people regret that they couldn't be what they wanted. But it was not the case for Miraal. She was not even a least regretful about her decision. All in all, she was thankful that she chose that field. Because she knew after what happened, this is where she truly belongs now.

Fighting for justice.

Striving for a better world.

The cab finally stopped after a while. Miraal knew she had reached her destination. She stepped out of the car and gave the cab driver his fare before finally facing the humoungous building infront of her. It must be atleast 8 floors high. It was made of glass and the direct sunlight shone on the building making it almost invisible due to the reflection.

She took a long and deep breath. She held her head high and walked towards the opening door. A guard was standing there guarding the entrance. His stoic face and gruff attitude could be seen from miles away. Miraal wanted to greet him out of respect but one harsh look from his sight made her rethink her decision. She only passed him a small smile and entered inside.

If the exterior was lavish, the interior was a whole another level. It was tiled with plush sofas on the right side. A large podium surrounded the other corner where a receptionist was sitting. Employees and some clients she could only imagine were walking on about their work. They were all dressed professionally. She could feel the workplace aura oozing out of them.

They were all so engrossed that no-one even noticed her mere presence. Of course. Why would they? They're working in a such a big firm. Why would they gave their ounce of attention to a nobody. Miraal exhaled before walking towards the reception desk. She was nervous but she didn't let it show on her face. Her mother always taught her that no-one could see past her weakness. She should always have a brave facade. No-one could be aware of her inner feelings and turmoils.

Miraal approached the desk and the receptionist was busy talking on the phone while jotting down something on the notepad. She looked busy. It could be seen by her face. Miraal waited for her call to end. It took her almost five minutes before she finally disconnected the call and faced her.

Her face was marred with a strict professional look.

"I'm here for the interviews for the interns."

Miraal informed her. The woman nodded her head

"Can you please tell me your name?"

Miraal nodded her head before she answered

"Miraal Taimur Baig."

The woman looked up at her the moment she uttered her full name. She knew it was bound to happen. But she acted nonchalant. Like it didn't affect her a bit. The woman also down casted her head when she realized that Miraal gave no reaction. She would be lying if she said that the action doesn't hurt her.

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