۱۴: سوالات / Questions

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The three people standing there shockingly looking at Saima's face. She was standing there breathing heavily. Saima cleared her throat before repeating the same sentence

"Irtaza is ready to marry Miraal."

Miraal couldn't believe her ears. What is her phupoo saying? Irtaza is ready to marry her? The thought seemed foreign. She never once think of it. Irtaza was always so reserved and sometimes she felt like he never one noticed her. He was like that. A stone cold person who only remained to himself.

He also wasn't big on talking. She remembered how he would avoid cousin's gathering and would rather spend his time coped up in his room studying law books. He wasn't always the cheery type of a cousin to with whom you can do all the fun activities.

Maybe, it was because of his age. He was oldest. Zaid was younger to him by mere months. But still Irtaza had a big brother aura all around him. They all kind of kept their distance with him. He was the one to whom you'll go when you're in need of a homework help.

And now listening to Saima saying, that Irtaza is ready to marry her. Miraal could count how rare they both talked. They did talk when everything was normal. But after he went to Turkey, it's like he stopped. She always felt kind of a special because Irtaza listened to her. He doesn't speak to much to her that well but atleast, he listened to her.

Whenever they all need a favour, they would send Miraal to him. Because they all knew that Irtaza would never refused her. But it all stopped after he went away. He lost contact and now suddenly, he's ready to marry her. This doesn't add.

But she remained quiet. Because, right now what's more important is to get rid of the fiasco happening. Suleman who hadn't spoken a word yet, finally gained his voice to utter

"What are you talking about, Saima?"

His voice was coated with disbelief. Of course. He's also having a hard time just imagining that. Saima nodded her head.

"What you heard is true, Bhai. Irtaza agreed to marry Miraal."

Suleman shook his head not believing her.

"He hasn't contacted anyone. He remained out of touch and now suddenly he's ready to marry Miraal. Do you see me as a fool, Saima?"

Suleman voice raised to a notch. He doesn't like to be fooled. Alas. He's been fooling around by his own wife. But as they say. Ignorance is a bliss.

"I know you're having a hard time believing it, Bhai. But that's the truth. And it's not sudden."

Miraal's head whipped in Saima's direction. It's not sudden? What does it mean? Was she always thinking of marrying him to her?

"What do you mean?"

Suleman asked totally puzzled by the unfolding of the events. But this time instead of Saima, Almirah answered

"I have been thinking of marrying Miraal to Irtaza. Saima had always wanted her as her daughter in law and I can't think anyone better than our own Irtaza. He's talented. He's a good person. My Miraal will be in safe hands."

It was like the ground slipped out of Miraal's feet. Her mother was planning it. Why didn't she ever speak a word about it to her? Why they kept her in utter ignorance? Miraal had so many questions swirling inside her mind.

"But Almirah didn't want to rush. So, we agreed to wait till Miraal get a stable job."

Saima concluded. Suleman was quiet. He had no words to say.

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