۲۲: خط/ Letter

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As Irtaza watched Miraal entering into her firm building, he finally drove away. A small smile was etched onto his face remembering the sulking face of her when she doesn't find him on the dining table. When infact, he was standing at the stairs. She went down too much in a hurry to notice him.

The reason he didn't join for breakfast was because of something that he found in his room. It rattled his mind for a bit and he needed to think. To not worry his mother and finacee, he chose not to show up for breakfast. It's not like anyone would even ask. And that's what happened too.

He just wasn't sure what to make of that and he walked outside in the garden for some fresh air. And then he saw Miraal leaving and decided to drop her. He knew she worked at a firm and she was doing an internship there. But he doesn't know the name of the company she was associated with.

When she stepped out of the car, he read the big text on the building. And he felt a sense of familiarity there. Like he had heard that name before. Given that the company was successful, it wasn't off that he thought he knew the name. But still there was a feeling. Like he had heard of that name quite frequently.

Deciding not to think hard on it, he switched to the matter at hand. He had a bigger problem to deal with at hand right now. Switching the gear, Irtaza sped up. He mind seemed to be stuck on the same line since morning.

'let there be no more lies. Let there be only truth.'

He doesn't understand what it meant. It was all too cryptic. He wasn't sure what to make of it. He was cleaning his room when he found that small yellow piece of paper tucked between the stack of papers in the drawer. First he thought it might be an ordinary paper and someone must've just placed it right there.

But when he read the text, it was a reference to one of his father's case. He once remembered Omer taking over a case and he spoken that exact same line in the court hearing. For all instance, it must be just that. A simple sentence. But Irtaza knew it was something. Someone was sending him a message.

Dealing with so many murder cases, he mind wired in all directions. He can't see things normally anymore. There's always an other side to every coin. And he just managed to see the both. So, to find out the root cause, he decided to visit the company.

The piece of paper was written on a official company paper. The one who wrote it wanted him to come here. The huge "Baig Cooperations" greeted him at the first sight. It was so long since he placed his foot back into the company standing infront of him. He stared at the building for a few seconds before he walked towards the front door.

A guard greeted him before he was walked further inside. He saw all the employees. Alot of them were new faces since it was a long time he came here. But some were still old faces and some even managed to recognize him as well. He met with all of them with a welcoming smile over his face.

He took the lift to the upstair floor where the main offices are located. Hashim and Suleman doesn't know that he will be visiting the company. So, he intended to keep it that way. As he stepped out of the building, he was instantly met with the manager of the floor there.

Mr. Pervaiz was a long time worker there. He's been with them since over thirty years. As soon as he saw Irtaza, his face blew up into a big smile.

"Is that you, Irtaza?"

He walked towards him with his arms stretched and they both shared a hug.

"It's me."

"Masha Allah! You've grown into a handsome young man."

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