۱۳: التجا / Plead

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It was late at night when Irtaza's eyes slammed open. He immediately sat up at the bed breathing heavily. It was yet another night filled with terrors and nightmares from his past. His eyes burned with sleep yet he knew he can't sleep now. They will haunt him again. So, he decided to work.

That's all he came up to whenever he's having such nights. Work consumed him. His mind solely focused on his work to the brink where he even forget why he chose to work at some place. That what work do for him. Some say that a person have one comfort person who they looked forward to whenever they're having a sad or a gloomy day.

Yet, he had no-one like that. He only had his work. And he's content that work provided him a way to unleashed his tensions without bursting out at it. He opened the new case file he had just got. It was about a girl. She was filing for a harassment case. But yet again, no-one was believing her. She had alleged a renowned businessman's son.

And as usual, the society believed him not the girl. Because she's poor and her father isn't a business tycoon who lived half of his live on a yacht on a extinct island. He had a normal grocery shop from which he earned his honest means. And Irtaza got this case when no-one was getting it. Of course, why would they?

And by reading it, he had concluded that much the girl was working at one of the hotels of the businessman. But he called her and harassed her. And when she tries to call the police, they tried to bribe her. Irtaza's blood roared just by the thought of how helpless that girl must've felt. And he needs to help her.

He read the case and he was ready to take on the case. He doesn't fear the businessman. He never had been. Why could he when he's on the right side of the law. Also, he heard that Demir's people will backing the tycoon's son. He's not even suspicious as to why Demir was backing him up. He must've a hand in it too.

He's always into deep illegal activities. He's despicable like that.

Finally, after one hour of work, his eyes finally became drowsy. He closed the file and placed it back on the nightstand. He laid down hoping there would be a dreamless sleep and he slept his eyes.


The next morning, Irtaza showered and ate breakfast. He dialed Ayse's number and the moment she attended, he spoke

"Ayse, I need you to call Incila Sedefli number. Set up with a meeting with her."

"On it, sir".

He disconnected the call before he opened his laptop again. He started to respond to some emails. His phone again ring.

"Sir, I have set up the meeting. Is three in the afternoon ok with you?"

Ayse asked on the other hand. Irtaza checked his schedule.

"Yeah, it's fine."

"Are you taking the case, sir?"

Ayse's voice resonated in the air. Irtaza sighed before replying


His voice was clear. No room for any arguement.

"I have great respect for you, sir. I hope one day I become a great and honest lawyer like you."

Irtaza's mouth twisted in a simple smile.

"Thank you, Ayse. But to become like that, you need to focus on work."

He playfully reminded her and heard her gasp

"Oh sorry, sir. I'll call you back. I have some work."

He chuckled before he ended the call. He again continued working and few minutes passed yet again. Again, the shrill sound of his phone resonated in the air. He sighed before placing his coffee cup on the table. Picking up the phone, he found it to be his mother.

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