3 | Trouble Stirs and Sacrifices are made

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This story is based on a game called Genshin impact. I do not own any of the game characters except for Y/N

                          After healing, some unsettling situations arrive. Her Majesty, The Tsaritsa calls all the Fatui Harbingers to a meeting saying that we were in quite desperate times. They had to spare every soldier available. We're all sent to the battle field, where Capitano says that this was the chance to redeem myself. I cut and slash with no mercy, my h/c hair blowing in the wind. But when I turn around, I watch with horror as someone strikes at his backside. Without thinking at all, I block the hit using my own body and it hits me at a vital organ.

I stand there, Capitano looking at me in shock, as blood runs out of my mouth, down to my chin.The battlefield is a chaotic mess, a flurry of swords and arrows flying through the air. Capitano is engaged in combat, his blade cutting through the enemy soldiers with ease.Then, out of the corner of his eye, he sees someone strike at his back. But before he can react, you throw yourself in front of him, taking the hit instead.Time seems to slow as he sees you take the hit. A wave of shock and disbelief washes over him, quickly replaced by anger and concern.

"Damn it!" He roars, his eyes widening in disbelief. Capitano quickly dispatches the enemy soldier who struck you, before turning his attention to you.He rushes to your side, dropping to his knees beside you as he assesses your injury. His heart is pounding, concern and anger mixing together in his chest.

"Why did you do that?!" He growls, "You stupid, reckless..."

Capitano feels my vision in his pocket completely shatter, as my breath is getting weaker. Capitano pulls your Vision out of his pocket, dread washing over him as he sees it shatter into pieces. The sound seems to echo in his mind, a stark reminder of your fading life.

"No... No, no, no, no..." He mutters under his breath, his grip on your Vision tightening as he looks down at your fading form. He turns his attention back to you, his eyes filling with desperation as he tries to stem the bleeding from your injury. 

"Damn it, stay with me," He hisses, his voice tense with worry. "You can't die here. Not like this."


Capitano's eyes lock onto yours, his heart racing in his chest. 

"Don't talk. Just... just stay with me, dammit."His hands press desperately against your wound, trying to slow the bleeding. He can feel the warmth of your blood staining his gloves, a sickening reminder of your fading life.

"Y-You know....I never learned your real name"

Capitano's eyes widen at your words, caught off guard by the sudden change in topic. He pauses for a moment, his hands still pressed against your wound as he looks into your eyes.

"Why... why does that matter now?" He mutters, his voice tense with a mix of emotions.

 "Tell me....please.....I-I want to know" 

Capitano hesitates, his heart pounding in his chest. He had never told anyone his real name, not even those closest to him. "Fine...." 

He mutters under his breath, his gaze locked onto yours. "My name... my real name is..." _____. 

Capitano pauses, his voice softer as he speaks. Despite the chaotic battlefield around them, for a moment, it felt as if time had stopped.


I smile faintly as I say his name, those being my last words.

Capitano's heart clenches at the sound of his name coming from your lips, the way your voice said it making his heart skip a beat. He looks down at you, his eyes meeting your faint smile.

"Damn it... don't look at me like that," He mutters, his voice breaking slightly as he applies more pressure to your wound.

Capitano feels you go limp in his arms, your breath leaving your body in a soft exhale. Time seems to freeze as he holds you, the weight of your death hitting him like a punch to the gut.He sits there for a moment, his mind blank, his heart racing with a mixture of grief and disbelief. He had seen death before, had caused it. But this... this was different.Tears well up in his eyes, his throat tightening as he looks down at your lifeless form. He shakes his head, trying to deny what had happened, trying to will you back to life.

"No... no, damn it!" He mutters, his voice cracking as he leans closer to you. 

"Don't leave me... don't you dare leave me like this..."

He presses his forehead against yours, his tears falling onto your face. The chaos around them fades into the background, his world narrowing down to you. He had lost soldiers before, but this... this was different. You had been more than just a soldier, more than just a failure. You had been someone... someone special to him, despite his efforts to deny it.

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