19 | A Second Chance

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This story is based on a game called Genshin impact. I do not own any of the game characters except for Y/N, Y/N's Grandmother, and Bubbles.

Bubbles looks up at you as you speak, his expression still pitiful as you pat his tummy. He seems to understand that his diet means less food, which does not please him at all. But he doesn't protest further, instead murbling softly as you continue to pat his belly.

You continue to pat his stomach, feeling the way the blubberbeast's belly fat moves under your touch. It's definitely squishy and soft, almost like a pillow. You can actually feel the blubber moving and wiggling as you pat it, a rather odd sensation.

I squish his cheeks.

"Awwww.....little cutie~"

You reach out and squish Bubbles' cheeks, feeling the fat and soft flesh moving under your fingers. The blubberbeast murbles in protest, clearly not happy at being squeezed like that.

I put him down upon hearing his protest, and after lying in bed for a while, I slowly drift off to sleep.

A few days pass, during which you carefully monitor Bubbles' diet. Despite his initial protests, the blubberbeast seems to have resigned himself to his new diet, though he still occasionally shoots you a mournful look when he passes by the food bowl.

"Hey Bubbles?"

Bubbles looks up, a questioning expression on his face.

"Since you've been behaving yourself, I figured that as a reward, I would take you to the beach!"

Bubbles squirms in my lap in excitement. I take him downstairs, seeing my grandmother in the kitchen.

"Hey Gran? You think I can go to the beach with Bubbles?"

"Of course dear. Come back before dark! I don't want your dinner getting cold!"

"Alright! I'm leaving now!"

I walk out the door, Bubbles in tow.

You take Bubbles to the beach, the blubberbeast following behind you. The sun is shining and the waves are lapping against the shore, providing a beautiful background for a day of fun.

I play with Bubbles in the sand a little, covering him with sand, and building him a mini sand castle. You also spot Capitano standing on the beach, his tall figure easily visible among the other beachgoers. He seems to be looking out at the sea, a thoughtful expression on his face.

Picking Bubbles up, I walk over to him.


Capitano looks up, and spots you standing on the beach. A look of surprise briefly flits across his face, before he schools his expression into a neutral smile.


Capitano smiles as you approach.

"Hello, Y/N. And hello to you too, Bubbles."

He nods at the blubberbeast, who murbles softly in greeting. I put Bubbles back down, his little body scooting over, back to the sand.

Capitano gestures for you to sit down on a nearby rock, and he takes a seat beside you. He glances at Bubbles, who is now playing in the sand.

"He looks like he's having fun."


"What are you doing here though?"

A Fated Reunion - Capitano x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now