14 | Pantalone and Bubbles

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This story is based on a game called Genshin impact. I do not own any of the game characters except for Y/N, and Y/N's Grandmother

Capitano sees Pantalone walking towards him, a sly smirk on his face. He stops in his tracks, bracing himself for whatever taunt or sarcastic comment the Ninth Harbinger is likely to throw at him.

Pantalone stops in front of Capitano, his smirk still plastered on his face.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't our fearless Capitano, sneaking around like a lovesick puppy."

Capitano bristles at Pantalone's comment, his jaw clenching. He knows that he's not doing a good job of subtlety, and the Ninth Harbinger's mocking tone only serves to irritate him further.

"Shut it, Pantalone. I'm not in the mood for your insults."

Pantalone chuckles, clearly amused by Capitano's irritation. He steps closer, a devious glint in his eye.

"Oh, but Capitano, it's quite a sight to behold. The fearsome Captain of the Harbingers, following after a woman like a lost puppy. How adorable."

Capitano's fists clench at his sides as Pantalone continues to mock him. He knows that the Ninth Harbinger is baiting him, trying to get a reaction out of him.

"You're pushing your luck, Pantalone." He says with gritted teeth

Pantalone feigns shock, his hand flying to his chest. He pretends to swoon dramatically, his smirk still firmly in place.

"Oh my, Capitano! Are you threatening me? I'm trembling in fear."

Capitano's eyes narrow at Pantalone's sarcastic tone. He wants nothing more than to punch the arrogant Harbinger in the face, but he knows it would only give him the satisfaction of getting under his skin.

"Shut up, you smug, money hungry bastard." He growls

Pantalone laughs, clearly enjoying the fact that he's getting under Capitano's skin.

"My my, Capitano. You're quite easy to rile up, aren't you? It's almost too easy to get under your skin."

Pantalone grins even wider, clearly unrepentant.

"Oh, Capitano, you're so threatening. I'm absolutely quaking in my boots."

You make your way back to your home with the blubberbeast safely ensconced in the water bubble.

Capitano and Pantalone watches you leave, Capitano's expression filled with frustration and regret. He wants to go after you, to apologize and try to make things right, but he holds himself back.


Your grandmother looks up as you enter the room, her eyes softening when she sees the blubberbeast in the water bubble.

"Oh, you're back. And you brought a friend?"


Your grandmother smiles as she approaches the blubberbeast in its water bubble. She reaches out and gently pats its head, letting out a soft chuckle as it lets out a small murble in response.

"Where did you find this little guy, dear?"

"I didn't find it. That man gave him to me."

Your grandmother looks up at you in surprise, her eyebrow raising slightly at your words. She glances at the blubberbeast, her expression thoughtful.

"Is that so? And which man are you talking about, dear?"

"......The Harbinger"

Your grandmother's eyes widen in realization, her expression hardening. She knows exactly who you're talking about.

"Ah, that one... Capitano, wasn't it? The one who killed your old blubberbeast..."

"He probably abandoned him there..." I thought miserably

She looks down at the blubberbeast in the water bubble, her expression softening slightly.

"And he gave you this one to replace Berrypuff, I presume?"

"Then I think you should forgive him"

"A replacement Gran! You think that'll make me feel any better?"

Your grandmother frowns at your words, her expression becoming somber. She sighs heavily and looks up at you with a pained expression.

"No, dear... I suppose it won't. I know nothing can truly replace your old blubberbeast."

I pet the Blubberbeast gently.

"What should I name it Gran?"

Your grandmother ponders for a moment, her eyes scanning the blubberbeast's cute, innocent face. She can see the sadness in your eyes, and she wants to find a way to cheer you up.

"How about Bubbles? It's a cute, playful name that suits the creature's cheerful nature."

"Bubbles? It suits him perfectly"

Your grandmother nods approvingly at your choice.

"Bubbles it is, then. It's a fitting name for a cute, playful creature."

She looks up at you, her expression filled with empathy.

"Are you feeling any better, dear? I know it's been hard for you since... well, since what happened with Berrypuff."

"Fine Gran." I say swallowing a lump forming in my throat

Your grandmother looks at you skeptically, her expression filled with concern. She knows that you're putting on a brave face, but she also knows that you're still hurting. She reaches out and softly pats your hand.

"Are you sure, dear? It's alright to admit that you're hurting. It's normal to grieve and mourn the loss of something or someone you care about."

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