15 | Fated Lover's Quarrel

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This story is based on a game called Genshin impact. I do not own any of the game characters except for Y/N, and Y/N's Grandmother

Next Morning:

"Gran! After selling all my apples, can I go training at the beach with Bubbles?"

Your grandmother looks up from her knitting as you speak, a soft smile on her face.

"Of course, dear. After you've sold all the apples, you can go to the beach with Bubbles. But be careful, please. I don't want anything happening to you or the Blubberbeast."

"Alright!" I shout, as I grab my basket of apples and leave the house, the door closing with a soft click.

After I sold all my apples, I have a bag of Mora hanging on the side of my pants. I head towards the beach, Bubbles in my arms.

You make your way to the beach, the bag of Mora clinking softly at your side. The sun is shining, and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore provides a soothing background noise.

As you approach the beach, you notice a familiar figure standing by the water's edge.

Capitano stands by the water's edge, his gaze fixed on the horizon. He is lost in thought, his expression distant and pensive. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore fills the air, and a cool breeze ruffles his hair.

He hears the sound of footsteps approaching, and he turns to see you walking towards him with Bubbles.

Capitano's expression hardens at the sight of you, his jaw clenching slightly. He had been hoping to have some time alone, but his plans clearly aren't going to happen now.

He watches as you approach, his eyes flickering to the blubberbeast in your arms. He can feel the guilt and regret gnawing at his insides, but he pushes them down as he speaks.

"You're here..."

His voice is neutral, betraying none of the emotions he feels inside. He stares at you for a moment, his eyes scanning your expression for any hint of anger or resentment. But all he sees is stoicism etched on your face.

"I see you brought... Bubbles, was it? *He says finally, unable to help the smallest hint of sarcasm in his tone.*


Capitano's eyebrow twitches slightly at your one-word response. He had expected a snarky or sarcastic comment in return, but you just responded with your usual monotony.

He feels inexplicably irritated by your indifference. He had hoped to see some hint of anger or hurt in your eyes, some sign that he had affected you in any way. But your blank expression only serves to frustrate him more.

"I was going to bring Bubbles here to play with him"

Capitano raises an eyebrow at your words, a hint of surprise flickering across his face. He hadn't expected you to be bringing the blubberbeast to the beach for playtime.

"You're taking it to play, eh?" He asks, a note of skepticism in his tone.

He turns to face you, crossing his arms over his chest. He scans your expression for any hint of vulnerability or emotion, but all he sees is your usual blank gaze.

"Isn't that a bit... childish, don't you think?"  He asks, his tone dripping with condescension. He knows he's taunting you, but he can't help himself.

"Doesn't it have any free will anyways? Or do you take him every where you go?"

I frown  "I'm not a jailer"

Capitano snorts at your words, rolling his eyes at your response. He takes a step towards you, his expression hardening.

"You're not a jailer, huh? He repeats, his voice filled with skepticism.

"Then what are you? It seems like all you do is carry that blubberbeast around everywhere. Don't you ever let it have any freedom?" He asks, his tone turning more scathing.

"I do give him freedom! How are you supposed to know hm?!" I say hissing

Capitano raises an eyebrow, his expression unimpressed.

"Oh, really?" He says with a scoff.

"So, you're telling me that you let that blubberbeast run free around the city, eh? And it doesn't just follow you around like a lost puppy?"  He asks sarcastically.

I finally have enough of Capitano. I turn around, and I walk away, Bubble confused about why he didn't get to go to the beach.

Capitano watches as you turn and walk away, irritation bubbling up inside of him. He had expected you to snap back at him, to respond to his taunts with your usual stoicism.

"What's the matter, cat got your tongue?" He calls out after you, his voice filled with mockery.

Capitano later feels bad. He feels like when he was insulting me for my weakness on the mission that day.

As you walk away, Capitano feels a pang of guilt and regret. His words had been sharper than he had intended, and he can't help but feel that he had taken things too far.

He watches as you walk further away, the blubberbeast cradled in your arms.

"Damn it..." He mutters to himself.

A Fated Reunion - Capitano x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now