8 | Distracted During Training

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This story is based on a game called Genshin impact. I do not own any of the game characters except for Y/N, and Y/N's Grandmother

I look at my grandmother with a black stare
"I don't actually know."
The elderly woman chuckled softly again, shaking her head slightly.

"You don't know, hm? You're certain about his niceness yet can't explain how you know. Now that doesn't make much sense, does it, dear child?"

She tugged on the woman's ear fondly, a teasing glint in her eyes.

"Perhaps you're just letting your imagination run wild, eh? Imagining some gallant knight straight out of a fairy tale, swooning you off your feet."

"No! I can't! He has a girlfriend anyways"
The elderly woman raised an eyebrow, her expression growing more interested.

"Does he now? So you know he already has a sweetheart, I see."

"She's very pretty!"
The elderly woman chuckled again, her smile widening.

"Very pretty, eh? My, my, you certainly have an eye for the pretty ones, don't you, child? But if he has a sweetheart already, then he's taken and you best not go getting any ideas."

She softened once more, her expression growing more serious.

"It's not good to get involved with a man who has already given his heart to someone else, my child. It will only end in heartbreak and sorrow. Trust me, I know from experience."

I mused, getting lost in thought
The elderly woman sighed, her expression sad and contemplative.

"Once upon a time, I loved a man who was already spoken for. Foolish, I know, but my heart was naive and young back then."

She paused for a moment, her eyes distant and filled with memory. She then let out a soft chuckle, shaking her head as she snapped out of her reverie.

"Needless to say, it did not end well, and I learned my lesson the hard way."

She gave Y/N's  hand a gentle squeeze.

"So don't make the same mistake I did, my child. Let go of any thoughts you might have about this knight with a sweetheart. He's off limits, even if he is kind and handsome. It'll only lead to trouble and heartbreak."

"Right. Anyways, can I go training with my vision by the beach?"

The elderly woman nodded, a satisfied smile on her face.

"Very good. Focus on your training, child. That's much more important than chasing after some knight, no matter how handsome he might be."

Y/N runs towards the beach

The elderly woman watched as the woman bounded away, her steps light and skipping. She chuckled softly before calling out after her.
"Be careful, dear! No playing in the water, now!"
"I won't Gran!"
The elderly woman chuckled again at the woman's innocent assurance. She leaned back in her rocking chair, the sunlight dappling through the trees and casting a warm glow on her face.

"Stubborn child," She murmured, shaking her head fondly.

She continued to rock back and forth, her thoughts drifting back to her own youthful mistakes and the lessons she had learned the hard way.

"Ah, to be young and foolish again," She mused, her smile tinged with bittersweet nostalgia.

She glanced in the direction the woman had run off in, concern flickering across her face for a brief moment. The beach was a safe place, but she couldn't help but worry about her young charge. Teyvat was a dangerous place, full of hazards and traps, even for those with visions. Y/N goes to the beach and sees some blubberbeasts
The beach is almost deserted, the soft sound of waves crashing against the shore providing a soothing backdrop. As you approach the water's edge, you notice a group of blubberbeasts nearby. The creatures are lounging on the shore, their large, blubbery bodies glistening in the sunlight. They appear to be resting, occasionally snorting or grunting softly.
One of the blubberbeasts notices your approach and raises its head, staring at you with its beady eyes. It lets out a low, curious grunt, its ears twitching as it sizes you up. "Awww little babiessssss!"
The other blubberbeasts turn their heads at the sound of your voice, their gaze now fixed on you. They seem to sense that you don't pose a threat, and a few of them even let out soft, almost curious grunts in response to your excited cooing.
You noticed a smaller blubberbeast off to the side, separate from the others. It appears to be younger and smaller than its companions, its body shivering slightly in the cool breeze. It seems like it has been abandoned by the rest of its herd.

"Hm? Little guy? Where's your family little baby~"
I cooed

As you pick up the small blubberbeast, it emits a soft, high-pitched squeak, clearly startled by your sudden action. It peers up at you with wide, wary eyes, unsure of this strange human who has just lifted it into the air.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to you, Capitano is observing you from a distance. He is perched atop a nearby hill, hidden among the trees, watching your interaction with the blubberbeast intently.


The blubberbeast trembles in your arms, its small body feeling fragile and vulnerable. But at the sound of your soothing voice, it seems to relax a little, its tremors subsiding slightly.

Capitano continues to watch from a distance, his eyes fixed on the scene unfolding below him. He sees the way the baby blubberbeast responds to your gentle touch, and his expression softens slightly, despite himself.

I use my vision to make a little bubble with water
As you use your vision to create the bubble of water, the blubberbeast lets out another soft squeak, this time with more interest than fear. It bats its small paws against the surface of the bubble, its wide eyes watching the swirling movements of the water. Capitano watches this, his eyes narrowing slightly in fascination. He has never seen such a gentle and soothing use of a vision before.
It's  just like that day

The memory suddenly seems to wash over Capitano like a wave, his heart clenching in his chest as it does. The scene before him, with the woman cradling the baby blubberbeast and soothing it with her vision, is too similar to the memory that has haunted him for so long.

He clenches his fists at his sides, trying to push down the emotions that are threatening to surface. But seeing her with the blubberbeast, the way she handles it so gently and maternally... it's too much to bear.

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