27 | Promise

441 11 0

This story is based on a game called Genshin impact. I do not own any of the game characters except for Y/N, Y/N's Grandmother, and Bubbles.

You call out the name "Bubbles," and a moment later, the blubberbeast waddles into the room, his soft, blubbery body jiggling as he moves.

"Awwww! I missed you! Y/N was so scared...."

The blubberbeast makes a soft, happy sound as you rush towards it, its body jiggling as it accepts your hugs and pats. Capitano watches the scene with a mixture of confusion and fascination.

Your grandmother looks just as confused, but also slightly amused, as she watches you dote on the blubberbeast. Capitano, on the other hand, just stands there, his expression neutral but his eyes glimmering with intrigue.

He watches as you continue to coo and coddle the blubberbeast, his mind working as he tries to piece together the significance of this creature to you.

"You really like my gift huh, Y/N?"

"Yea...I've grown to become fond of this little guy."

Capitano's lips quirk up into a smile. He's pleased to see that his gift has been well received, even if he doesn't quite understand the emotional connection you have with the blubberbeast.

He watches as you continue to fuss over the blubberbeast, his thoughts still swirling. There's something about this little creature that he can't quite figure out, something that has clearly burrowed its way into your heart.

Capitano watches you for a few more moments, his expression thoughtful. He's never been one for cute little creatures, preferring the cold strength of steel and the sharpness of a blade. But there's something about the way you interact with this blubberbeast, the way your eyes light up each time you glance at it, that fascinates him.

"Maybe you should really start teaching me to use a blade...or that might happen again...."

Capitano's head snaps up at your words, interrupting his thoughts. His expression becoming serious. He had been lost in thought, watching you play with the blubberbeast, but now he focuses fully on you, his eyes meeting yours.

He studies you for a moment, taking in the determination in your eyes and the tension in your shoulders. He can tell that you're serious about learning to defend yourself, that you're not going to let something like this happen to you again.

"You said you would teach me." I say my expression hopeful.

"Yes, I did," he says, his voice firm. "And I will keep that promise. I'll teach you everything I know about fighting and how to defend yourself."

I smirk.  "Then maybe I'll have to start packing"

Capitano raises an eyebrow at your smirk, a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

"You're eager to start learning, hmm? And you're already thinking about packing?"

His thoughts are mixed up. What a woman. She's been so much, and she still grinning. I-I just love her so much....

Capitano's heart warms a little at the thought of teaching you how to fight, of seeing you grow into a strong and capable warrior. He also has thoughts of turning you into his favourite warrior again. Just like in your life. But he tries to keep his expression neutral, not wanting to show too much of his growing affection for you.

"Pack your bags then," he says, a hint of challenge in his voice. "We start training tomorrow."


Your grandmother chimes in, her voice filled with both concern and resignation.

"Training? What training?"

Capitano turns his attention to your grandmother, his expression respectful but firm.

"I'm going to teach her how to fight," he says bluntly. "She needs to learn how to protect herself, to defend herself against any future threats."

Your grandmother looks unconvinced, her brow furrowed with worry.

"But fighting? Isn't that dangerous? She's so delicate..."

Capitano glances back at you, his eyes taking in your determined expression. He can tell that you're not going to back down from this, and he's not going to let your grandmother talk you out of it.

"I'll be fine Gran! You have to trust me!"

Capitano nods in agreement, his eyes meeting your grandmother's.

"She'll be in good hands," he reassures her. "I'll make sure she's well taken care of and protected while she trains."

Your grandmother still looks hesitant, but she can see the determination in your eyes. She sighs, resigned to the fact that you're going to do this regardless of her objections.

"Promise _____?"

"Don't call me by my real name when under me. Just Capitano."

"But other than that, promise." He smiles.


Dragonball3434 here! 

Just so you guys know, I'm going to Japan for a week. I won't be posting, as I'll be spending all my time exploring the place. Maybe I'll send some pictures too~ And I'll add a sneak peek of a time in Inazuma (Since the atmosphere is kinda Japany) and is with all the Fatui harbingers! It would be before Y/N died. Logging off now!

With love for my readers, A/N

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