4 | A Somber Funeral

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This story is based on a game called Genshin impact. I do not own any of the game characters except for Y/N

Your funeral is held. The funeral is a somber affair, the atmosphere thick with grief and sorrow. Capitano stands at the front, his face stoic and unmoving. But underneath the mask of composure, his heart aches in his chest. As the ceremony comes to a close, Capitano remains there, standing alone by your grave. His mind is a whirlwind of emotions, guilt and regret mixing together in a bitter concoction. All 11 harbingers are there, mourning you. 

Pierro speaks of how much you were in the Fatui, and how you were a hero giving your life for a superior rank.

The other Harbingers stand around the grave, their faces solemn and expressionless. Pulcinella stands beside Capitano, his eyes fixed on his friend. Il Dottore glances at Capitano, a hint of intrigue in his gaze, as if he can sense the turmoil roiling beneath the Captain's steely facade. 

Arlecchino remains silent, her expression unreadable as she observes Capitano. 

Signora stands off to the side, her gaze fixed on Capitano. For once, her usual smirk is replaced by a sympathetic expression. She knows better than anyone the weight of loss, and the pain that comes along with it. 

Scaramouche stands off to the side, his arms crossed over his chest as he observes the scene with a mixture of indifference and curiosity. 

Columbina stands by Signora's side, her expression solemn. She glances at Capitano, her eyes filled with a silent understanding. Pantalone stands next to Sandrone, his eyes flickering towards Capitano as he mutters under his breath. 

"That damn idiot..."

Pierro stands at the center, observing Capitano and the other Harbingers. His expression is stoic, his eyes fixed on Capitano.Capitano feels the weight of their gazes on him, but his eyes remain fixed on your grave, his mind replaying the memories of you in his mind. The failed mission, the broken Vision, your fading breath, your smile...Pulcinella steps forward, placing a hand on Capitano's shoulder. (Just imagine him standing on a really tall stool or block of ice XD)The gesture is rare, and Capitano can feel the concern and support behind it.

"Capitano," he says softly, "Are you alright?"Capitano bristles at the sudden touch, but he doesn't pull away. He knows his friend is only trying to offer comfort, but the concern in Pulcinella's voice feels like a mockery.

"Do I look alright?" He snaps back, his voice gruff with anger and grief. 

Pulcinella sighs, his expression pained. He had seen his friend go through many battles, but this one hit him hard. 

"No... you don't," he mutters softly. "But you can't keep blaming yourself forever, Capitano. It wasn't your fault." 

Then, the other Harbingers watch in stunned silence as Capitano removes his mask, revealing his face for the first time. They had never seen him without his mask, and the sight is enough to catch even the most hardened among them off guard. He leans down, his fingers gently grazing your cheek before he presses his lips to yours in a soft, tender kiss. As he pulls away, the lid of the coffin closes, hiding you from sight. 

Capitano's eyes are filled with raw emotion, his mask still grasped in his hand as he stands there, looking down at your grave. The other Harbingers are still stunned into silence. They had never seen Capitano show such vulnerability before, and the sight is enough to shake even the most apathetic among them. 

The silence is broken by the sound of Scaramouche's voice, a sardonic remark breaking through the tense atmosphere.

"Well," he drawls, his voice filled with his usual condescension, "Never thought we'd see the mighty Capitano reduced to a lovesick fool."

  Il Dottore lets out a scoff, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Who would have thought our fearless Captain had a heart, after all?" 

Signora rolls her eyes, a smirk playing on her lips. "Oh, spare me. Even the mightiest warrior can be brought low by a pretty face." 

Pantalone mutters under his breath, a sly smirk on his face. "Looks like even Capitano has a weakness after all..." 

Columbina lays on my coffin silently, a small smile playing on her lips. "Love is a strong one, isn't it?" She muses, her voice gently as always. 

Pierro remains silent, his eyes fixed on Capitano, a flicker of sympathy in his gaze. He had seen the bond between Capitano and you, and the sight of Capitano's grief was enough to soften even the coldest heart to a small degree.

Pulcinella steps forward again, his hand still resting on Capitano's shoulder. His voice is soft, his concern evident. 

"Capitano," he says gently, "You need to rest. This isn't healthy." 

Capitano bristles at the suggestion, his anger flaring once again. He clenches his fists, his eyes still fixed on your grave. 

"I'm fine," He mutters, his voice gruff and strained. 

"I don't need to rest." 

Pulcinella sighs, his expression pained.

"You say that, but you haven't slept in days. You're not eating, you're not taking care of yourself. You can't keep going on like this, Capitano." 

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