21 | Eating Yummy Food~

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This story is based on a game called Genshin impact. I do not own any of the game characters except for Y/N, Y/N's Grandmother, and Bubbles.

As you sit down to dinner, your grandmother serves you a plate of Sweet Madame with a side of Sakura Shrimp, just as she promised.

The fragrant smell of the food fills the room, making your stomach rumble in anticipation.


Your grandmother smiles as you dig into your food, pleased to see how much you enjoy it.

"I'm glad you like it, dear. I know it's your favorite, so I made sure to make it just the way you like it."

You enjoy your meal, savoring the delicious flavors of the Sweet Madame and Sakura Shrimp. The food is cooked to perfection, the meat tender and juicy and the seasonings blending together perfectly.

After eating, I head upstairs

After dinner, you make your way upstairs to your room for the evening. You feel full and satisfied after eating your favorite meal, and the day's events start to catch up to you.

"Bubbles~" I cooed

Bubbles, who had been resting in a corner of the room, perks up and lets out a soft squeak as you call his name. He wriggles free from his resting place and waddles over to you, his eyes curious.


I hold out my arms for him, but he just stares at me adorably.

Bubbles tilts his head to the side, his eyes fixated on your arms as you hold them out to him. But instead of jumping into your arms like you want him to, he just stands there, looking at you with his cute, round eyes.

"Jump Bubbles."  

Bubbles continues to look at you, still stubbornly refusing to jump into your arms. He seems to have a mind of his own, and stubbornly refuses to do what you ask.


I say in a warning tone.

Bubbles seems to finally understand that you're not pleased with his disobedience. He looks up at you, his eyes widening as you speak in a warning tone. Bubbles lands in your arms with a soft, squishy thump. He looks up at you with his cute, round eyes, seemingly satisfied that he's finally done what you asked him to do.

"Good little Bubbles~"

Bubbles lets out a soft squeak in response, his eyes closing blissfully as you pat his head. He seems to be enjoying the attention and praise.

I kiss Bubbles's cheek

Bubbles lets out another squeak, his eyes opening wide in surprise at your unexpected kiss. He looks up at you with a bewildered expression, as if he can't believe what just happened.

I set him down in his mini bed, as I crawl into mines.

Bubbles waddles over to his mini bed, settling down comfortably on the soft cushions. You crawl into your own bed, the tiredness of the day starting to seep into your bones.

You close your eyes, feeling the soft fabric of the sheets against your skin, and let out a soft sigh. The sounds of the night outside are muffled by the walls of the house, creating a peaceful atmosphere that slowly lulls you to sleep.

Next Morning

You wake up the next morning, the sunlight streaming in through the window. The sounds of birds chirping outside fill the air, bringing a sense of freshness to the new day..

After I get dressed and I finish brushing my teeth, I toss Bubbles a piece of fish.

Bubbles, who had been dozing peacefully on his mini bed, suddenly bolts upright at the sight of the fish. His eyes widen with excitement as he sees the piece of fish you throw in his direction.

The little blubberbeast scurries over to the fish, picking it up in his mouth and beginning to nibble on it. He seems to be enjoying the fish immensely, letting out satisfied squeaks as he munches on it.

I walk downstairs, where I see my grandmother making Inuzuman Egg rolls for breakfast.

Your grandmother looks up as you enter the kitchen, a smile on her face.

"Good morning, dear. You're up just in time. I made Inazuman Egg rolls for breakfast."

"Morning. Smells good" I say sniffing the air

Your grandmother nods, pleased by your compliment.

"I'm glad you like the smell. They should be ready to eat in just a few minutes."

She continues to prepare breakfast, adding the final touches to the egg rolls before placing them on a plate.

Your grandmother sets the plate of Egg rolls on the table, gesturing for you to have a seat.

"Here you go, dear. Have some breakfast."

The egg rolls look delicious, their golden-brown outer coating contrasting perfectly with the steam rising off the hot filling.

I eat my fill, then I head out, carrying my basket of apples.

"I'm going out Gran!" I shout, hoping she could hear me.

Your grandmother watches as you finish your breakfast and get ready to leave.

"Be careful out there, dear. And sell as many apples as you can!"


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