16 | Quality Time

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This story is based on a game called Genshin impact. I do not own any of the game characters except for Y/N, Y/N's Grandmother, and Bubbles.

I take Bubbles home, patting his stomach with some added force

You make your way back to your home with Bubbles in your arms. You can feel the blubberbeast's soft, squishy body as you pat its stomach. But instead of patting him gently as usual, you find yourself patting him with a bit more force than necessary.

Your actions are not lost on Bubbles. The blubberbeast lets out a soft murble, the force of your pats slightly distressing him. But he stays quiet, sensing that you're in a bad mood.

You continue to pat Bubbles with more force than necessary, your emotions boiling underneath the surface. Each pat feels like a release for your anger and frustration, a way to channel your negative feelings onto something.

Bubbles lets out a louder protest, clearly uncomfortable with the force of your pats. The blubberbeast tries to squirm away from your grip, but you hold him firmly in your arms, continuing to pat him with increasing force.

Your mind is filled with thoughts of Capitano and his hurtful words. You can still hear his sarcastic voice in your head, his jeering taunts and mocking tone. And the more you think about it, the more angry you become.

Your thoughts continue to spiral, each memory and taunt from Capitano adding fuel to the fire. Your heart feels like it's being squeezed, your emotions a whirlwind of pain and anger. And the more your thoughts race, the harder you pat Bubbles, your grip on him becoming almost bruising.

I set him down.

Bubbles wriggles out of your grasp and falls to the ground with a soft plomp. The blubberbeast is unharmed, if a bit shaken. He looks up at you with wide eyes, clearly confused and distressed by your treatment of him.

You stand there for a moment, looking down at Bubbles. The sight of the blubberbeast on the ground, looking up at you with confused and hurt eyes, brings you back to your senses. The anger and frustration that had been building up inside of you starts to subside, replaced by a sense of shame and guilt.

"Sorry Bubbles....Guess I got carried away"

Bubbles let out a soft murble in response, accepting your apology. The blubberbeast wobbles over to you, nuzzling his head against your leg as if seeking comfort.

I pick him up, spinning him.

Bubbles lets out a squeal of delight as you pick him up and start spinning him. His round body goes flying with each spin, his limbs flailing wildly. The blubberbeast clearly loves the feeling of being spun around.

I put Bubbles down.

I leave him there, occasionally giving him some raw fish.

Bubbles lays on the ground, snacking on the raw fish you give him. The blubberbeast seems content to lounge around and relax, occasionally rolling over to make a soft murble at you.

Time passes, and the sun slowly starts to set, casting a warm orange glow over the sky. Bubbles continues to lounge around, his round body jiggling slightly with each movement. The blubberbeast occasionally lets out a soft murble, though his attention is mostly focused on the occasional snack you give him.

At night, I drop a perfectly small weighed blanket on him.

Bubbles lets out a soft murble as the blanket lands on top of him, covering his round body. The blubberbeast wiggles his limbs for a moment, trying to adjust to the sudden weight on top of him. Despite his initial surprise, he seems to be enjoying the feeling of being wrapped in the blanket.

In the morning

The early morning sunlight filters into the room, casting a warm glow on the sleeping blubberbeast. Bubbles is still lying on the ground, wrapped snugly in the blanket. His round body is barely visible under the blanket, only a slight jiggle betraying his presence.

I pick him up.

"Bubbles~" I cooed.

Bubbles is still half-asleep as you lift him up into your arms. He lets out a soft murble, his body still warm and squishy from being wrapped in the blanket all night. The blubberbeast nuzzles his head against your chest, clearly still sleepy and comfortable.

I pat his stomach, looking at him.

Bubbles lets out a pleased murble as you pat his stomach, his round body jiggling slightly with each pat. The blubberbeast opens one eye, looking up at you as if saying "keep going, this feels nice".

I frown noticing his round jiggly belly

"You're fat Bubbles." I remarked.

The blubberbeast lets out a somewhat indignant murble at your comment, his expression almost offended. He obviously wasn't a fan of you calling him fat, even though it was technically the truth.

"If you eat anymore—"

Bubbles interrupts me with another murble, this time sounding almost defensive. It's clear that the blubberbeast isn't thrilled by your comments on his eating habits, but he can't exactly argue with you either.

"I'm going to have to put you on a diet."

The blubberbeast lets out a loud murble, sounding almost panicked at your words. He wiggles in your arms, as if trying to escape the idea of being put on a diet. After all, a diet would mean less food, and less food was clearly not something he was a fan of.

"Afraid that's the truth Bubbles."

Bubbles lets out another murble, this time sounding even more distressed. It's clear that the blubberbeast isn't happy with the idea of being put on a diet. He squirms and wriggles in your arms, as if trying to escape the very idea of having less food.

"And it starts today."

A Fated Reunion - Capitano x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now