9 | Confession

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This story is based on a game called Genshin impact. I do not own any of the game characters except for Y/N, and Y/N's Grandmother

The bubble pops and it damps the baby blubberbeast.

As the bubble pops and the water spills onto the blubberbeast, it gives another squeak, this time with more irritation than anything else. It twists and wriggles in your arms, its body now slightly dampened by the water.

Capitano watches, his expression conflicted. A part of him finds the scene almost comical, seeing the blubberbeast's mildly indignant reaction to being drenched.

"Do u want to go home? Awww Y/N will take you home~"

The blubberbeast lets out a soft grunt, sounding almost like agreement. It seems to sense your intent and nuzzles against your chest, as if seeking comfort and security in your arms. Capitano watches this interaction, his eyes narrowed as he realizes what you're intending to do.

"Hmm.....what should I name you....? How about Berrypuff?"

The blubberbeast's ears twitch slightly at the new name, seeming to respond to your voice. It lets out a soft grunt, almost like affirmation, its body relaxing in your arms.

Capitano continues to observe from his vantage point. Seeing the way you so effortlessly win over the blubberbeast sparks something in his chest. It's as if your kindness and gentleness are a stark contrast to his own roughness and battle-hardened nature. He feels a pang of something he can't quite identify, but it makes his heart ache in a way he hasn't experienced in a long, long time.

Capitano approaches me again

As you continue to cradle the blubberbeast in your arms, you suddenly feel a presence behind you. The air feels different, charged with a sense of power and command. Capitano has silently approached you, his footsteps almost eerily quiet for a man of his size.


Capitano stops a few paces behind you, his eyes roaming over your figure. He sees the blubberbeast cradled in your arms, and a flicker of something (recognition, interest?) flashes across his face. He doesn't respond to your question, instead continuing to observe you quietly, his expression inscrutable.

He seems to hesitate for a moment, as if debating whether to approach or not. His eyes linger on the blubberbeast for a moment longer, his expression almost softening, before he speaks in a deep and commanding voice. It's the voice of a man accustomed to giving orders, a man who is used to being obeyed without question

"What are you doing with that creature?

"Its mother abandoned it. I'm planning to take it home."

Capitano's expression darkens as you explain the situation. His gaze flicks to the blubberbeast, studying it for a moment before returning to you. There's a flicker of something (sympathy, maybe?) in his eyes, but it's soon replaced by his usual stoic expression.

"So you found it abandoned and decided to take it in, eh?"

"Mhm. Oh hey! I have a question to ask you!"

Capitano raises an eyebrow at your question. He seems slightly surprised by your forwardness, but there's a flicker of curiosity in his eyes as well.

"Go on then, ask your question."

"You wear armour right? So does that mean that you're a knight of Favonius?

Capitano's expression immediately turns guarded at your question. He takes a moment before responding, his eyes fixed firmly on your face, studying you intently. Finally, he lets out a soft huff, almost like a scoff.

"No, I'm not a member of that group of incompetent knights."

His voice is laced with disdain as he speaks. It's clear that he doesn't hold the Knights of Favonius in high regard. He regards the group with a mixture of irritation and annoyance, as if their very mention is a distasteful thought.

"But I think the knights are amazing!"

Capitano snorts at your words, his expression derisive. He stares at you with a mixture of disbelief and irritation.

"Amazing, you say? They're a bunch of incompetent fools, more concerned with their own egos and titles than protecting the people they're sworn to serve."

"Then why to you wear armour?"

Capitano's expression hardens at your question. He seems annoyed by your persistence, but also intrigued by your naivety.

"Because armour provides protection in battle, something the Knights of Favonius clearly know nothing about."

"What's your profession then? The Millilith? A guard to the Shogun?

Capitano's expression remains stoic as he responds.

"I'm a Harbinger, one of the highest-ranking members of the Fatui."

A Fated Reunion - Capitano x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now