20 | Invisible String

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This story is based on a game called Genshin impact. I do not own any of the game characters except for Y/N, Y/N's Grandmother, and Bubbles.


Capitano hesitates for a moment, studying your expression as he tries to gauge your reaction.

"Do you... believe me? Do you think it could be possible?"

"I think it could..."

Capitano lets out a soft sigh of relief at your response.

"I'm glad to hear that. I was worried you'd think I was insane."

He smiles at you, his gaze filled with tenderness.

"But just the fact that you're willing to consider it... it gives me hope."

"Well...I've always felt that we've had some kind of...connection.."

Capitano nods, his expression becoming serious again.

"Connection. That's a good word for it. I feel it too, like there's this invisible string connecting us together. Like our reunion was meant to be"

He looks at you directly, his gaze intense.

"Do you feel it too?"

I nod, looking up gazing at the sun that was slowly starting to dip into the horizon.

Capitano follows your gaze, noticing the way the sun is starting to dip below the horizon.

"It's getting late. You should probably head home. It's not safe to be out here at night."

"R-Right. But maybe I'll see you around ______"

Capitano smiles, his gaze still intense as he looks at you.

"Maybe you will. I have a feeling the universe will find a way to bring us together again. After all, if fate brought us together this time, what's to stop it from happening again?"

I pick Bubbles up, and I get ready to leave.

"Then I'll see you some other time ______."

Capitano nods, a soft smile on his face.

"I'll see you some other time. Take care, and be careful on your way home."

He watches you leave, his gaze lingering on your figure as you make your way down the beach with Bubbles in your arms.

Capitano turns back towards the sea, his thoughts filled with the conversation he had just had with you.

He knows that he's taken a huge risk, telling you about his belief that you're a reincarnation. But deep down, he's hopeful that you'll accept it and see the connection between the two of you, just as he does.

He sighs and lets the sound of the waves wash over him, his mind a maelstrom of thoughts and emotions.

I unlock my door, stepping inside the house, closing the door with a soft click.

"Gran! I'm home! I hope I wasn't out too late"

Your grandmother looks up from her knitting as you enter the house, a smile on her face.

"Welcome back, dear. Did you have a good time at the beach?"


Your grandmother can sense that there's something on your mind. She sets her knitting aside and looks at you with concern.

"Is everything alright, dear? You seem a little distracted."

"N-No...it's nothing. By the way, what's for dinner?" 

Your grandmother smiles at your change in topic.

"I'm making your favorite tonight. Sweet Madame with a side of Sakura Shrimp."


Your grandmother nods, her smile widening at your excitement.

"Yes, really. I know it's your favorite, so I thought I'd make it for you tonight."


Your grandmother chuckles at your enthusiasm, amused by your reaction.

"You really do love Sweet Madame, don't you?"

"Yup! It's the best! Anyways, I'm going outside again to the backyard to pick some apples for tomorrow"

Your grandmother frowns, looking concerned.

"Are you sure that's a good idea, dear? The sun is setting, and it's getting quite dark. Don't you think it would be better to wait until tomorrow?"

"I'm sure."

Your grandmother looks like she wants to argue, but she relents and lets you go.

"Alright, dear. But be careful, okay? Don't stay out there for too long."


Before I walk outside, I set Bubbles on the ground. He waddles away to the corner of the room. I walk to our apple tree, picking up a nearby basket.

The sun has almost disappeared below the horizon, casting long shadows across the yard. The apple tree provides a bit of shade as you approach it with the basket in hand.

I fill the basket with the best and the ripest apples.

You pick the best-looking apples, making sure to fill the basket to the brim. The ripe apples gleam in the fading light, their skin smooth and unblemished.

I come back in, carrying a basket full of apples.

Your grandmother looks up as you enter, her expression filled with relief.

"You're back. Did you manage to get a good harvest?"

"Yup. We're gonna get lots of Mora tomorrow!"

Your grandmother smiles, pleased by your hard work.

"That's wonderful, dear. I'm glad to hear that. We'll be able to sell all these apples and bring in quite a bit of Mora."

Your grandmother looks at the basket filled with apples.

"You did a great job, dear. These look like some of the best apples I've seen this season. Now come. Let us enjoy our dinner."

A Fated Reunion - Capitano x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now