24 | Wish

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This story is based on a game called Genshin impact. I do not own any of the game characters except for Y/N, Y/N's Grandmother, and Bubbles.


He reaches out and brushes a strand of hair away from your face, his touch almost gentle. But there's a coldness in his eyes that betrays his true intentions. He also slowly peels off your clothes, one by one.

He stares at you for a moment, his eyes roaming over your body once again. He reaches out and runs his hand across your bare skin, his touch almost exploratory.

"Now that's more like it," he says, his voice low and appreciative.

He takes his time raping me. My screams are muffled through the dark cellar. After he's done with me, he chains me there. He occasionally gives me food, but it's a very small amount, so I don't have any energy left to oppose him.

Life becomes a cycle of confinement and isolation for you. Your days are spent in the darkness of the cellar, chained up and helpless. You don't know how much time has passed, since you were kidnapped. Your captor visits you from time to time, taking what he wants and leaving you feeling even more powerless than before.

The food you're given is the bare minimum necessary to keep you alive, but it doesn't give you the energy or strength to fight back. You're trapped in a living hell, with no hope of escape.

You lose track of time as the days blend together, each one feeling the same as the one before. The only constants are darkness, confinement, and your captor's occasional visits.

You long to escape, to be free from this never-ending nightmare. But you quickly realize that you're stuck here for as long as your captor sees fit.

My grandmother notices that I don't come back. She gets worried.

Your grandmother begins to worry as the hours pass and you don't return home. She knows that something is amiss, and she can feel the anxiety building in her chest.

She paces around the house, her worry growing with each passing moment. She tries to comfort herself with the thought that you're probably just fine, that you've simply wandered off somewhere and lost track of time.

Capitano especially is worried.

Capitano is not a man who's prone to worrying, but he can't shake the sense of unease that's been following him since you disappeared. He knows that something is not right, and he can't shake the feeling that you're in danger.

He goes searching for you, retracing the steps you took earlier in the day. He asks around, trying to find anyone who might have seen you, but no one seems to know where you went.

Capitano's worry turns to frustration as he continues to search with no sign of you to be found. He has never felt such anxiety before, and it's messing with his usual cool demeanor. He can't shake the thought that something bad has happened to you, and that he should have been there to protect you.

He continues his search, doggedly following every lead and checking every possible spot where you could be. He refuses to give up, determined to find you and make sure you're safe. As the days pass, your grandmother becomes distraught, thinking something has happened to you. 

"O-Oh Y/N...Celestia....please keep my dear Y/N safe..."

Back in the cellar.

You're lying on the floor of the cellar, exhausted and disoriented from the lack of food and water. Your captor hasn't come to visit you in a while, leaving you alone with your thoughts and the ever-present fear that he might come back at any moment.

You try to find a way to escape, but the chains around your wrists and ankles hold you fast, preventing you from moving more than a few inches in any direction.

My captor comes back. I can hear his footsteps coming closer.

Your captor enters the room, his footsteps echoing on the stone floor. He doesn't say a word, he just stands there, looking at you with a predatory expression on his face.

He walks over to you, stopping mere inches away from your vulnerable form. He reaches out and touches your face, his touch rough and possessive.

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small bottle of pills. He rattles it in front of you, the sound of the pills clinking together sending an icy chill down your spine.

"You're going to need these,"  he says, his voice cold and emotionless.

I hesitate.

He notices your hesitation, and a hint of irritation flickers across his face. He grabs you by the chin, shoving it down your throat. I wince, but I slowly swallow it, the bitter pill slowly drifting down my throat.

He watches as you swallow the pills, his eyes glinting with satisfaction. He lets go of your chin and steps back, a cruel smile playing at the corners. He rapes you again. Your screams are yet again muffled, as you cry out in pain, and in longing that someone....anyone would come and save you. I was crying. Begging him to let me go, although I knew he wouldn't. Since he was that type of sadist that derived from other people's pain.

After, I'm sitting there, out of breath and hungry. I look disheveled and tired. I wish...everything could stop....I wish...I could go home with Bubbles and Gran and...._____....I just want to close my eyes.....and wish everything can stop...

A Fated Reunion - Capitano x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now