2 | Disappointment and a Bit of Guilt

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  This story is based on a game called Genshin impact. I do not own any of the game characters except for Y/N

                           Because of my failure, I was far, far from being one of the best, a Harbinger. The Tsaritsa sends me on lower ranking missions now, and I was unable to use my hydro vision. Day by day, Capitano can see my vision's light getting dimmer and dimmer

Capitano makes it a point to check on you from time to time, watching as your Vision grows dimmer.

"Weak," He mutters to himself as he watches you complete yet another low-ranking mission.

The sight of your dimming Vision is a point of irritation for Capitano. It's a constant reminder of your failure and of his own disappointment.

"How the mighty have fallen," He says to himself, watching you from afar as you complete yet another mundane mission.

One day, because of my lack of a vision, I get critically wounded in a battle against some treasure hoarders. I tried to dodge their attack, but one of them shoots an arrow at aimmy shoulder, lodging the arrow in my flesh. While this is Capitano notices a big crack in my vision

Capitano hears about your injury, and it sets his blood boiling. To see how far you had fallen, and how your once-bright Vision now lay broken and shattered.

He makes his way to the infirmary, finding you lying in a hospital bed. His eyes narrow as he observes the crack on your Vision.

A mix of anger and irritation crosses his face as he takes in the sight of you lying there, injured and your Vision broken.

"You just couldn't get any more pathetic, could you?" He spits out, his eyes fixated on your broken Vision.

"Look at you. Injured. Weak. Powerless. All because of your own incompetence. And your Vision... broken. Just like you."

Capitano notices my eyes which were soulless and dead. I was clearly very upset about that day when he took my vision.

Capitano scoffs, his eyes narrowing at the look in your eyes. He was used to seeing you fiery, determined, and full of life. But now, you looked lifeless. Broken.

"Is this all you've become? A shell of your former self?" He hisses, "You're pitiful. A weak, powerless, shadow of the soldier you once were."

He leans closer to you, his voice dropping to a dangerous whisper.

"I trained you. I made you into who you once were. And this... this is how you repay me? By falling apart? By breaking?"

"Have u come here just to ridicule me, Captain?" I say looking at him square in the eye

Capitano lets out a scoff, his irritation growing.

"Ridicule you? No. I'm simply stating the facts. You're a failure. A broken shell of the soldier you once were. And it's a disappointment beyond measure. Do you have any idea how much potential I saw in you? How much I believed in you?"

He steps closer to your bedside, towering over you.

"And look at you now. Weak. Pitiful. Powerless. All because of your own foolishness. Your own failures."

He stares down at you, disgust clear in his eyes. But beneath that disgust, there is also a hint of disappointment.

"I trained you, pushed you to your limits to make you into the perfect soldier. And this is how you repay me? By breaking apart like a fragile toy?"

"............"    I stay silent

That comment clearly hit me close to heart. I turn around, so he wouldn't see me tear up slightly.

Capitano notices your reaction, the subtle tear that threatened to fall. A pang of guilt washes over him, but he quickly squashes it down with a scowl.

"Weak," He mutters as he turns away, walking out of the infirmary.

As he walks away, he can't help but glance back at you over his shoulder. Seeing your broken form like that... It stirred something within him. Something that felt like... regret? No. He squashed that feeling down, pushing it aside with irritation and anger.

"And pitiful," He mutters under his breath, turning his gaze away and continuing onward.

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