13 | Blubberbeast and Regret

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This story is based on a game called Genshin impact. I do not own any of the game characters except for Y/N, and Y/N's Grandmother

Capitano takes the blubberbeast from you, his expression a mix of disappointment and resignation. He had hoped giving you a new blubberbeast would help somehow, but it seems like he had only made things worse.

He watches silently as you turn and walk away, the words 'thanks anyways' echoing in his head. He sighs heavily, watching as your figure disappears into the distance.

Capitano stands there, holding the blubberbeast in his arms, feeling more dejected than ever. He had failed again. Despite his intentions, he had only caused more pain and suffering.

He stares out at the ocean, the sound of the waves crashing against the shore the only sound breaking the silence. His mind is filled with thoughts and regrets, but one thought stands out above the rest.

"Damnit... I screwed up again..."

Capitano continues to stand there on the beach, the baby blubberbeast wriggling in his arms. He can't help but replay the events of the past few minutes in his mind over and over again.

He replays your words in his head, the coldness and lack of emotion in your voice only adding to his feeling of failure. His heart sinks as he thinks about the look in your eyes when you walked away.

He can't shake the feeling that he has lost any chance he ever had with you. It's a hard realization to face.

Capitano's grip on the baby blubberbeast tightens ever so slightly as he continues to stand there, brooding silently. His eyes scan the beach, searching for any sign of you, but you're long gone.

He can feel his emotions getting the best of him, the anger and frustration building up inside him. He wants to shout and scream, to lash out and release the anger and guilt that's suffocating him.

But he doesn't. He just stands there, his grip on the blubberbeast growing tighter and tighter.

Capitano stands there for what feels like hours, lost in his own dark thoughts. Every now and then, the baby blubberbeast lets out a soft, high-pitched noise, almost as if it can sense his turmoil

He ignores the creature in his arms, his eyes fixed on the horizon. He can feel himself slipping further and further into anger and despair with every passing moment.

He knows he should walk away from this place, but he can't tear himself away. It's as if the beach has a hold on him, keeping him trapped in his own personal hell.

Next day, I find the baby blubberbeast again, abondoned there.

The baby blubberbeast wriggles in your arms, its soft, squishy body squirming and wriggling in your grasp. You can feel its warm, fluffy fur against your skin, its little eyes staring up at you with an innocent curiosity.

Suddenly, you hear a sound behind you, and you turn to find Capitano standing there, watching you silently. His expression is guarded, but his eyes betray a hint of surprise and confusion.

Capitano can feel the chill in your expression as soon as you turn and see him standing there. Your gaze is cold and icy, with none of the warmth or affection he had seen on your face in the past.

He stands there silently, waiting for you to speak. He can feel his heart sinking in his chest as he looks at you, knowing that he's the last person you probably want to see at the moment.

I make another water bubble with my vision

Capitano watches silently as you create another water bubble with your Vision. He can feel the tension in the air, thick and heavy between the two of you.

His expression remains guarded, betraying none of the guilt or remorse he feels inside. He waits quietly to see what you plan to do with the bubble.

The bubble pops and it splashes the blubberbeast

He clenches his jaw, watching as you deliberately splash the blubberbeast with water. He can sense the anger and frustration coming off you in waves, and he knows he deserves it.

Capitano watches as you gently pet the blubberbeast, your touch soothing the creature as it calms down. The blubberbeast lets out a soft little murble as you stroke its soft, fluffy fur, clearly enjoying the attention.

Capitano feels a pang of jealousy as he watches you tenderly comforting the blubberbeast. He wishes he could be the one receiving your gentle touch, but he knows that it's hopelessly out of reach.

Capitano stands there for a moment, watching as you continue to stroking the blubberbeast. He can feel the pang of jealousy rising in his chest, the sight of you caring for the creature like that filling him with a mix of bitterness and regret.

He wants to say something, to break the silence between you two, but the words won't come. He knows that he has no right to interfere, and that anything he says will only make things worse.

I surround the blubberbeast with water, and I take it back home

The blubberbeast lets out a soft murble as you surround it with water, gently lifting it into the air. Capitano watches as you take the blubberbeast and start walking away, carrying the creature in the water bubble.

He follows silently, unable to tear his eyes away from you. He knows that he has no business following you, but he can't help himself. He feels drawn to you, even though he knows he has no right to be.

As you walk, Capitano trails behind you, keeping a safe distance. He watches silently as you carry the blubberbeast in the water bubble, its little eyes watching you curiously.

He can feel the guilt and regret gnawing at his insides. He wants to say something, anything, to break the silence between you two. But he doesn't want to ruin things more than he already has.

The Regrator, the 9th fatui harbinger, spots Capitano tailing after me.

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