22 | A Misfortunate Stroll Around Town

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This story is based on a game called Genshin impact. I do not own any of the game characters except for Y/N, Y/N's Grandmother, and Bubbles.

You wave farewell to your grandmother and head out the door, basket of apples in hand. The sun is shining, and the air is filled with the fragrance of flowers and sea breeze.

I head to my stall and I set down my basket.

You arrive at your little apple stall, setting the basket of apples down on the counter with a soft thump. The apples inside the basket still look fresh and ripe, their surface glistening in the sunlight.

The day is just starting, and not many customers are around yet. You take a seat behind the counter, mentally preparing yourself for a day of selling apples.

As the morning passes, more customers start to trickle in to buy apples. A few children, a couple housewives, an elderly gentleman. All come with the same purpose in mind: to buy some fresh, locally grown apples.

You sell some apples to the customers who come by, chatting with some and staying quiet with others. The morning passes peacefully, and before you know it, it's already mid-afternoon.

Just after mid afternoon, I have sold all my apples. I also notice Capitano nearby.

You finish packing up your empty apple basket, satisfied with the day's sales. Just as you're about to leave, you notice a familiar figure nearby. It's Capitano.

Capitano is standing a short distance away, his eyes fixed on you. He seems to be waiting for you to notice him.

Your heart skips a beat as you realize that he's standing there. You're not sure if it's just a coincidence that he's there, or if he came to see you specifically.

"_____?" I say calling to him

Capitano seems to realize that you've noticed him, and he starts to approach your stall. He looks as stoic and regal as ever, his eyes fixed on you with an unreadable expression.

He stops in front of your stall, his tall figure towering over you. For a moment, he doesn't speak, his eyes roving over your face.

You feel a shiver run down your spine as he gazes at you, his intense eyes studying every inch of your face. The silence is almost unbearable, and you find yourself fidgeting nervously, waiting for him to say something.

Capitano tilts his head to the side, his expression unreadable. He seems to be contemplating something. After a moment, he finally speaks.

"You've sold all your apples, I see. Then come. Walk with me. The days not over just yet"

"O-Oh..alright..."  I stammer

We walk around town, enjoying the beautiful scenery.

Capitano leads you through the streets, his strides long and powerful. Despite his intimidating presence, he doesn't speak much, only occasionally pointing out interesting landmarks or making brief comments on the scenery.

You walk beside him in silence, feeling a mixture of curiosity and nervousness. You can't help but wonder what he wants to talk to you about, and your heart hammers in your chest as you wait for him to speak.

I lose Capitano in the crowd.

As you follow Capitano through the crowd, you suddenly lose sight of him. One moment he's there, walking in front of you, and the next he's gone, lost in the sea of people surrounding you.

As you follow Capitano through the crowd, you suddenly lose sight of him. One moment he's there, walking in front of you, and the next he's gone, lost in the sea of people surrounding you.

I look around, then I feel something dragging me into a nearby alleyway.

A sudden tug on your arm causes you to stumble, and before you know it, you're being pulled into a dark alleyway. The alley is dark and cramped, the tall buildings surrounding it casting it into shadow.

You feel disoriented as you're dragged deeper into the alleyway, your heart pounding in your chest. It's too dark to see who or what is pulling you, but the rough hands are too strong to fight against.

They cover my mouth with a towel. I recognize the scent.

The moment the towel is placed over your mouth, a familiar scent fills your nostrils. The smell is strong and overpowering, and it instantly makes you feel dizzy.

Your head starts to spin as you realize what the smell is. Some kind of anesthetic, most likely chloroform. The effects of the drug are fast acting, and you feel yourself growing weaker by the second. You slowly close your eyes, falling into a deep sleep.

A Fated Reunion - Capitano x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now