12 | A Replacement?

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This story is based on a game called Genshin impact. I do not own any of the game characters except for Y/N, and Y/N's Grandmother

Capitano holds the baby blubberbeast in his arms carefully, its chubby little body squirming and wriggling in his grasp.

He approaches you silently, watching you kneel by the sea for a moment before he speaks.

"I brought something for you."

I turn around

Capitano stands there, the baby blubberbeast still squirming in his arms. He looks at you, his expression serious and unreadable.

He takes a step closer, holding out the baby blubberbeast towards you.

"Here. Take it."

As you take the baby blubberbeast from his arms, Capitano watches you closely. He can see the mixture of shock and confusion on your face as you hold the creature in your hands.

"I... I thought it might help fill the void left by the other one." He says, his voice uncharacteristically hesitant

Capitano stands there silently, watching as you hold the baby blubberbeast in your arms. He waits for you to say something, his expression hard to read.

He doesn't know what to expect from you. Will you be happy to see the new creature? Will you yell at him for trying to replace the one he killed? Or will you simply continue to ignore him?

"A replacement." I say looking at Capitano

Capitano winces as you say the word 'replacement'. It's as if the word physically hurts him, tugging at something deep inside.

He clenches his jaw, his expression darkening for a fraction of a moment. He doesn't deny your statement, because it's the truth. He knows that nothing he can do or say will ever bring back the baby blubberbeast he killed.

Yes. A replacement."He says, his voice low and rough.

Capitano watches as you cradle the baby blubberbeast in your arms, your eyes fixed on its squishy little body. He can see the hint of a frown on your face, and he knows that you're not happy with his gift.

He remains silent for a moment, fighting the urge to say something, anything to try and make things right. But what could he possibly say? He's the one who killed your baby blubberbeast, after all.

"Thanks....." I muttered

Capitano stares at you as you mutter your thanks. He can see the sadness in your eyes, the pain and anger that's still simmering just beneath the surface.

*He nods silently, accepting your reluctant thanks. He knows it's not what he deserves, but it's all he's likely to get from you.*

" You're welcome." He says, his voice low. He stands there awkwardly for a moment, not knowing what else to say.

The two of you stand there in silence, the only sound being the crashing of the waves against the shore. Capitano watches you hold the baby blubberbeast, his heart heavy with guilt and regret.

He wants to say something, to apologize or make things right somehow, but the words stick in his throat. What good would an apology do, after all? He can't bring the baby blubberbeast back to life, no matter how much he wishes he could.

Silence stretches between you for what feels like an eternity. Capitano glances at you, hoping to catch your eye. He wants to see some sign that you don't completely hate him, but your expression is guarded and closed off.

He knows he deserves your anger and hatred, but somehow the lack of response from you hurts even more than if you were to yell at him.

"......Did you take him away from his mother?"

Capitano starts at your question, his eyes widening slightly. He had expected you to yell at him, not ask about the blubberbeast's mother.

He hesitates for a moment before answering, knowing that his reply is not going to make him look any better.

"Yes." He says quietly "I-I... I took him from his mother."

".........I'm giving him back."

Capitano's eyes widen in shock as you say that you're giving the baby blubberbeast back. He hadn't expected this at all.

"What?! You... you're giving him back?" He says incredulously.

"He had a mother."

Capitano's expression darkens. He knows you're right. He knew that the blubberbeast had a mother, but he had ignored it. He had been focused on trying to make things right, somehow.

" I... I know."He says quietly, looking down at the baby blubberbeast in your arms.

"Thanks anyways...." I muttered reluctantly.

I give Capitano the blubberbeast, then I got up and walked away

A Fated Reunion - Capitano x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now