11 | Guilt

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                  This story is based on a game called Genshin impact. I do not own any of the game characters except for Y/N, and Y/N's Grandmother

Days pass, and you continue to visit the spot where Berrypuff died. Each day, Capitano watches you silently from afar, his eyes fixed on you as you grieve over the loss of the baby blubberbeast.

Every time he sees you kneeling in the sand, placing down flowers and whispering soft words, Capitano feels a pang of something (guilt? regret?) in his chest.

Capitano finds himself drawn to the beach every day, despite his better judgment. He tells himself that it's just to make sure you're safe, even though deep down he knows that it's a lie.

Each time he sees you kneel by the sea, your eyes filled with tears as you mourn the loss of the creature he mercilessly killed, Capitano feels a wave of guilt wash over him. He clenches his fists, fighting the urge to approach you and offer something he doesn't understand... an apology, maybe?

After all, I was the reincarnate of his past beloved

As the days go by, Capitano's guilt and confusion only grows stronger. He can't shake the sense that there's something different about you, something that makes him feel strangely drawn to you. Every day, he continues to watch you from a distance, torn between the guilt he feels over killing the blubberbeast and the strange sensation that you stir in him.

Each time he sees you return to the beach to mourn the blubberbeast, Capitano's mind is flooded with memories... memories of a woman from his past...

He doesn't yet know why, but Capitano senses a connection between you and his past - a connection that goes far beyond the guilt he feels over killing your creature. Each day, he watches you grieve and mourn, and with each passing moment, he feels a strange sensation building in his chest.

Despite himself, Capitano finds himself drawn closer and closer to you, the need to understand the feeling that you trigger in him growing stronger with every passing moment.

Capitano walks towards your grave, his expression somber as he approaches the headstone.

He stands there for a moment, staring at the simple marker that indicates where you're buried. There's a strange emptiness in his chest, a lump in his throat that he can't explain.

He stares at the engraving on the stone, silently reading the words etched into the smooth surface. Capitano's eyes glaze over as he takes in the sight before him.

As he reads the words on the headstone, Capitano's thoughts are filled with memories of the life he once shared with you.

His mind is flooded with memories of your smiling face, the sound of your laughter, the warmth of your touch. He feels a pang of regret and guilt as he stands there, his eyes fixed on your grave.

Capitano continues staring at the grave, his expression a mix of sadness and regret. A single tear streaks down his cheek as he remembers the life you shared together.

Meanwhile, I was deeply hurting inside

While Capitano stands there at your grave, fighting his own emotions, you are dealing with your own pain and sorrow.

Each day, you continue to visit the beach, kneeling by the spot where Berrypuff died. The loss of the baby blubberbeast still weighs heavily on your heart, and the memory of Capitano's cold and unfeeling actions still haunt you.

As you kneel on the cold, sandy beach, tears stream down your cheeks as you mourn the loss of the creature you held dear.

You whisper soft words to the sea, pouring your heart out in hopes that somehow, somewhere, Berrypuff can hear you.

Each time you visit the beach, you feel a hole in your heart where Berrypuff used to be. The sound of the waves and the smell of the sea air only serve to remind you of the loss you're trying to cope with.

As you kneel on the sand, your heart filled with sadness and loneliness, you wish for nothing more than to have the baby blubberbeast back in your arms.

Capitano visits me with another baby blubberbeast

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