Chapter 1: Mama Bear's Mission

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Evly's POV

Screaming. Fire. People running away?

"HEY! EVLY!!! Wake up!!! Goodness... I don't see why I'm always the one who has to wake you up!"

I slowly start to wake up and 'come back to reality.'

"I'm awake..." I say without moving a muscle.

"Right. Sure you are. Anyways we've got a new mission. 'Mama Bear' wants us to take this mission and we're supposed to leave by noon. If you can even wake up by then. What were you dreaming about anyways?"

My best friend, Charlotte rooms with me and we're supposively partners in the association.

"'Mama Bear?'" I question her choice of  nicknames sometimes.

"What? It's a perfect nickname! And you didn't answer my question!"

Ugh.... Her and her nicknames... But I can't blame her. Her nicknames always make me laugh or smile. And right now I could use a laugh.

"Just the same nightmare as always...."

"Oh. Anything new in the dream?"

"Besides louder screaming, nothing. I just don't get it. I just don't understand why I keep having this same stupid dream that always scares the heck out of me and it just. UGH," I lash out.

"Woah. Calm down. You're the one that's always smiling soooo maybe you can keep that smile! Especially right now, you're scaring me."

I half laugh at that. Not that I should, but she always knows how to bring out what she calls my 'good and better nature'. I sigh out loud as I remember her saying we're taking a hunter mission today.

"Hey 'lotte, if us two are going on this mission, then who's working on the outside? You know, like working the tech and that kind of stuff?"

If anything, Charlotte would know who'd be taking on what job.

"Big Mama Bear says that Amanda's going to be taking on the job, so luckily it's a friend of ours."

That's relieving. Amanda is a close friend of ours although she's always keeping busy with dance. But we trust her.

"Soooooo.... We're um. Supposed to get uh 'equipped' like right now."

I can tell she's trying to force a smile to lighten the news.

"This better not be another trainee mission. And equipment? Really? It's not like we don't have any training or anything. But of course we can't handle everything that comes our way."

I guess I may have been glaring daggers or something because Charlotte seemed to be trying really hard to force a smile. I roll my eyes at the scene.

"Alright, I guess we'd better go get ready! Yay!"

"I already know you don't like the situation so no need to be extra sarcastic."

I once again roll my eyes as I walk out of bed and prepare myself to look presentable by slipping on some jeans and a t-shirt with the addition of putting my hair up into a tight ponytail. As we walk out I make sure to avoid looking at 'Mama Bear'. Sadly, the closest thing I have to a mother is a werewolf huntress. Luckily, she's only ruthless to the bad wolves. I was lucky enough to have her since she supposively saved me when I was an infant although honestly I haven't the slightest idea of my past before she took me in as her own.

"Oh good you're finally up! So I'm assuming you heard about your mission?"

"I heard of it but didn't hear everything about it" I make sure to add extra attitude.

"Well you don't have to be so mad about it. You're just checking out a pack's border, nothing else."

"No trainees this time?" I ask half annoyed.

"Nope. This time it's actually a real mission."

I was raised to be a hunter and I'm stronger than the highest ranked hunter, yet I still have never been sent on a real live action mission. Everyone knows about my dedication towards the association but still everyone treats me as if I'm about to break. As of now, I train all the newbies. Any person who wants to become a hunter always goes through me first. I teach them most of what I know and help them train so that they're strong enough to go on actual missions. I have actually watched people I trained go on real missions but sad enough, I still have yet to be sent on one.

"Alright so are you going to let me in on the details of the mission or what?"

"I'll fill you in while you get suited up. That way we're killing two birds with one stone."

"Cheesy. Very cheesy..."

"Alright fine. I'll tell you now. I want you and Charlotte to go check out a pack's border. We've been picking up strange signals from that area and we want you to check it out and give us a report. I have a weird feeling about them. Something tells me they're not up to anything good."

"Seriously? My first mission is a mission about a hunch? Are you kidding me?!"

In all my years of training and preparation, my first real mission is a scout report. How boring and extremely unsatisfying.

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