Chapter 23: Liam

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Liam's POV
Frankly everyone has been finding their mate but then you find me. Still single, still mateless. As the months pass I've been feeling like I was drifting more towards "under the weather." But what could I do, I was the one out of us all that wanted a mate the most. I used to make up little fantasies and share it with the others. So how come I'm left without a mate? I mean I'm the beta so I can't let it get to me for the pack's sake but lately I've let it interfere with my work.
"Hey Liam, we were just thinking. Maybe you should occupy yourself with a girlfriend?"
"I've told you my morals before and I'll tell you again. I don't want to get emotionally attached to someone because it will make it that much harder if they find their mate and ditch me or I find my mate and have to break a heart. And you know that's not my thing."
"Just worried about you, you know?"
"Katie you've spent more than enough time with me just chill and go back to your mate, k?"
"Don't sass me Liam! Only I can do that!"
I rolled my eyes, earning a slap.
"Ok! Ok! Sorry!"
I sighed in relief when she left. All this worrying has really put me on edge. Like I understand they're concerned but then again I'm the beta I shouldn't need their help. I began walking with my usual confident strides and walked to visit Mason. When I got to his office, Evly opened the door and greeted me.
"Oh, hi Liam! It's nice to see you've gotten better."
"Yeah I think I'm starting to get over the fact that I haven't found my mate."
This time Mason spoke, "That's great to hear! Oh by the way we've set up a speed dating session for you so you can possibly find your mate!"
"You're kidding, right? Please tell me you're not serious!"
"It was actually Katie's idea. And besides I think you could use some excitement. You've been dragging around a gloomy cloud over your head."
"No ands, buts, or ors because like it or not this is an order. You're going speed dating!"
"Yes, Alpha..."
So my days in hell begin.
-1 hour later-
"Umm so what are your morals and why did you agree to this?"
"Oh look times up, sorry! Next!"
"Gee could he be any more what's the word..."
"Well that too but I was thinking more of um um-"
"A total heartless butt head?"
"Yes! Ding ding ding we have a winner! Evly read my mind! Mason, nice try. And Liam? You've just been awarded the most idiotic speed dater!"
"Seriously guys!? I could've been worse, much worse."
"OKAY, speed dating over. Ladies you're all excused sorry about my friend he's just in a rough patch right now, dinner tonight, on me!"
"You guys were right, I actually do feel quite refreshed!"
"Wonderful, just wonderful."
"Sorry Katie I wasn't rooting to meet your standards."
"Well I'll just be going now, Peter's taking me to lunch. Ciya! And also, let me know when you've fixed Liam!"
Peachy. Just peachy.
"Tell you what, we'll take a guys night and go drinking tonight, sound good?"
"Sure I guess. I've honestly got nothing better to do so meet ya there."
"That's the spirit!"
I couldn't help but hold a sarcastic smile and a really scary fake smile. If this doesn't end soon I'm seriously going to burst. I've already been pulling my hair out! But I'm sure that if I get drunk I'll pour out my feelings and then I'll feel better and everyone will leave me alone. So now I'm actually looking forward to tonight. Well I'm actually happy so I hope no one ruins my mood. This day was already bad enough.
Just keep telling yourself you don't need a mate big guy.
And of course my wolf chimes in killing my mood. Way to go... I am seriously just an emotional wreck it scares myself sometimes. I should not be afraid of myself.
-later that day-
"Hey uh Liam, about tonight! I'm so sorry but I gotta bail. I got behind in some paperwork and I gotta get it done before the meeting tomorrow. You'll be ok, right?"
"Oh yeah totally. I completely understand it's ok I'll just make new friends and go."
"Thanks man, you're such a great friend!"
"Don't forget about me being a great beta too!"
"How could I, thanks and have fun alright?"
"Yeah yeah, now go and get your work done before Evly flips out."
"Right, ciya!"
My own Alpha, best friend bailed on me. That just shows how alone I am. Splendid. Not only am I an emotional wreck without a mate but I have no friends. I better hope I can make a friend at he bar then!
"Oh, Liam I almost forgot! Tonight I'm having renovations done at the pack house so we're staying at the hotel near the bar."
"Got it! Now go get your work done Alpha!"
And with that any hope I had was gone. I'm hopeless. No friends. No mate. No girlfriend. Did I mention no fiends? Oh right I did. Walking away, I grabbed my keys and headed for the garage. Midway through I decided if I'm gonna get drunk off my ass then I better not drive. It's not even that far of a walk either so I won't die. Hopefully.
-At the Bar-
"Liam? It's been awhile what brings you back to my bar?"
"Well, thought I'd just live a little y'know?"
"What can I get for you?"
"Surprise me. But make sure it's something strong."
"Anything for the beta!"
He slid me a shot glass but after the first one, more kept coming until I lost count. Eventually, I ended up with a whole bottle of alcohol in my hand and I was starting to feel tipsy. When I took one last swig of the bottle, I started feeling something. Closeby, definitely. It kinda felt like I was being drawn to something. Or someone? I was definitely not in the right mind so it was hard to tell. Before I knew what was happening, the scent and the feeling became stronger like it was getting closer. My wolf began to stir as it got closer. Now that's not normal.
What the hell is going on?
Now since I wasn't feeling normal, I just thought my wolf was tormenting us. But then when the it became a who, I lost it. Sitting next to me was my mate? I couldn't help but stare at the person who gave off an intoxicating aura. What is this feeling? What is going on?
The who spoke. The person next to me spoke. Oh wait they're speaking to me. The person next to me is speaking to me! In response I hiccuped. Not smooth at all.
"You alright there buddy?"
"Yeah, yeah I'm great. So, you're a guy?"
"Uh last time I checked yeah, I guess."
Huh. My wolf must be playing with me because there is no way there is such thing as two guys being mates, is there?
"I'm Zack by the way."
"I'm Liam. Are you from here?"
He let out a hearty chuckle. This is getting weird.
"Yes, actually. But I'm new so you probably haven't seen me around before."
"Oh. What happened with your other pack?"
His smile seemed to falter. Was it something I said?
"That's kind of between me and my old pack. I don't really like to share my life stories."
"It's fine."
"I'm gonna buy another drink, do you want one?"
"I guess a couple drinks won't hurt."
This guy is doing things to me. I don't know what.
-A few hours later-
"Yeah! My friends think I'm unstable or depressed because they all found their mate a couple months ago but I'm still roaming around without a mate. But lemme tell you. I am as good as gold! Lemme have another drink."
"Uh actually I think you've had enough."
"Aww what are you, my mother?"
"Yeah you're definitely drunk now."
"That's not my fault! That's what I came here to do!"
"Right. You told me that an hour ago."
"You have pretty hair. Can I touch it?"
"Let's get you home."
"NO! I wanna stay and drink more."
"I don't think that's a good idea."
"They're playing music now?"
"They've been playing music ever since we both got here Liam."
"Let's dance!"
Before he could protest I pulled him off his chair to the middle of the dance floor. There were people around us who were holding drinks and dirty dancing and all that good stuff. At this point, my brain wasn't functioning. I guess I was having fun but I'm actually not sure. It's hard to tell. But what I could see was that Zack was awkwardly standing there and whenever I almost fell he put me back on my feet. I think people were staring but I dunno. One thing lead to another and I was pressed up against the new guy. This was kinda weird though because the last time I checked I wasn't gay. But I guess I've been learning a lot from being mateless. Somehow I got another drink but before I drowned it all Zack pushed it away from me. I was starting to go crazy. Yeah, I was drunk. Very drunk.
"I want another Zack!"
"I think it's time to go."
"You can't even stand!"
"Where's your car?"
"I walked here."
"Ok then where do you want to go?"
"A party!"
"We're leaving."
Before I could protest he picked me up and swung me over his shoulder.
"Hey! Put me down! I wasn't done! You're ruining my fun!"
When we got outside it felt like my head was spinning. I definitely was not in control. I felt tired all of a sudden and essentially I passed out.
Hello darkness. You make me feel warm and fuzzy. But you also make me feel alone. Why am I all alone?
Zack's POV
*sigh* Liam sure knows how to let go of himself. I'm guessing this is his way of drowning his sorrows. I can tell that the Liam I met in the bar wasn't his usual personality. Or at least that's what my hope has been telling me. I mean he's my mate. This is what I wanted wasn't it? What I had constantly begged for. A mate that was a guy. Yes, I am gay. Have been for as long as I could remember. It was hard for me to come out of the closet but I do remember feeling confident about it. Who would've thought that was the worst thing I could've done. But it's who I am. Openly gay. Proud to be it proud to say it proud to think it. When we got inside the pack hotel, there was a woman walking around with papers. If I remember correctly she's Evly, the pack's Luna. She gave me a soft smile but then her eyes drifted from me to Liam who was passed out on my shoulder.
"Is that-"
"Please don't ask."
She only smiled and walked away. Wow. That's different. Usually in my old pack they'd press for answers until I broke and told them. But then again this isn't my old pack. This is a fresh start I can feel it.
Now, to get Liam to his room. I set him down on the lobby couch before walking over to the front desk to check in. It took quite awhile but Liam was fast asleep so I guess it didn't matter. When I was done and the lady handed me the key card with directions and other information I picked Liam back up and took him to his room. When we got to the room I decided I would just showed in the morning because I was feeling exhausted. I stripped Liam down to his boxers and his shirt and tucked him into bed. After that I settled down onto the couch. What an exhausting night. Well I'd better be prepared for what comes tomorrow. He's going to be very confused. I pulled out the couch bed and put the sheets on and everything and As soon as I laid down I fell asleep. Peace. And quiet.
I had gotten up pretty early and took a shower. When I got out I could hear Liam stir in his sleep. He must be waking up. And, on que:
"Fucking shit! My head hurts!"
I entered the room, only a towel around my waist.
"Well, sleeping beauty woke up. Didn't even have to kiss you."
"Woah. Wait. What the did we-"
"No. You were drunk last night and I brought you back."
"I think I remember who you are. So what's exactly went down last night?"
"That story's for another day. But for now, you should get up and take a shower."
With that said I threw a towel at him and slowly he got up and trudged into the bathroom. I feel good already about this match. I just hope he feels the same way.

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