Chapter 9: Only Dreaming

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Mason's POV

I woke up to the light of sunrise. What a beautiful start of the day. I roll over to catch Evly still sound asleep. I can't help but smile when I'm looking at her sleeping face. She's all mine. She doesn't know it yet of course, but after tonight, we'll be sleeping in the same bed for as long as we live. These thoughts give me such feels. I can't wait to finally claim her as mine and mine only. She of course is still sleeping so I'd better just let her rest. She's already done so much to help everyone. I quickly kiss her on her forehead before deciding to get up. After I get dressed I head to the kitchen to make myself some toast before getting engulfed by Alpha work. On my way to my office I run into the doctor.

"Kelly has been cured. She should be able to wake up a little before the afternoon."

That's great news to hear. "Thanks doc. Anything else? I'm heading to my office right now to take up some paperwork."

She only nods her head showing me that's all. I nod to her in respect and continue to my office. I'm going to need to plan on when I meet Evly's family. And I should of course invite them to the ceremony. And our wedding! I'll need a wedding planner. So many things to plan for our future together. I can't wait until I propose tonight. But I guess I'd better let Evly in on all these plans so that we're doing everything together.

It's about mid-afternoon when I meet everyone in the dining room for lunch. Of course, everyone is talking about the ball tonight. I usually don't join in these kinds of conversations but just this once I just had to share my excitement! Everyone is saying how beautiful the decorations are. I can't help but laugh when we start to talk about the food menu. It seems that they're catching on that tonight is going to be very special because now they've decided to make a huge cake! And when they say huge they're talking about 10 layers at the least. Everyone seems to be happy to know that I'm finally happy. Although I'm not sure what that was supposed to mean, because I've always been happy I'm pretty sure. And of course, the topic of what Evly will wear or look like comes up. Just thinking about her appearance makes me shiver in excitement. The thought of me getting to see Evly just makes both me and my wolf spark up so much that it's hard to control the excitement. Speaking of Evly, I wonder if she's still sleeping. Katie seems to read my mind because she excuses herself so she can check on Evly. My wolf growls, a little bit upset that Katie beat me to the thought. But of course I can't do anything about it so I just keep conversation and wait patiently.

About 10 minutes later, Katie calmly makes her way to me although I can tell by her expression whatever she's going to tell me won't be good news. I excuse everyone and they all either go to the ballroom to finish decorating or to their rooms. When everyone's gone, Katie makes it obvious that she's troubled.

"Spit it out, what's wrong?"

I try to keep calm but it's hard since my heart is racing thinking about any danger that could harm my mate. Katie takes a deep breath and finally answers me.

"Evly isn't waking up. But don't panic, the doctor is already with her. He's not exactly the pack doctor, but that explanation can wait 'till later. He's highly trained and he's very professional."

I blink in shock and amazement how Katie was able to tell me everything so fast and then tell me not to panic. I do my best to blink back tears but it's no use because Katie is my sister so she knows.

"Hey, Macy! It's ok! Just uh loosen your balled up fist because your veins are popping out and it's scaring me."

"Who did this to her?"

I blew my chance at staying calm by bursting and half yelling. Katie steps back and does that thing she always does when she knows something. Liam comes jogging into the room.

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