Chapter 2: Mission in Action

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Evly's POV

Amanda briefed for us how everything works and what everything is or does with as much excitement as she could find,

"Ok. So you're all equipped and ready to go. Your special glasses will analyze certain things for you. The thing on your wrist there is a scanner. It has everyone in the system so it basically knows everyone. Just press the button and your glasses will do the scanning for you. It will show you any important info we have on them, including their profile: ranking, gender, and name. OOH and here's the best part. It's a new high profile gadget! It basically can scan all finger prints on whoever you're scanning. Even the finger prints that were washed away. Awesome right?! Anyways, there's two different compartments for ammo. One's full of tranquilizer darts, the other full of arrows. On your suit, on the back, there's a little thingy that can hold either a crossbow or bow. And on your other hip is a small gun for the darts. Also, the other thing is a taser! So if your other weapons fail, you still have something for defense. Cool, right!?!"

 I had to say myself I was impressed with all the tech behind the gear. Although I didn't like what we were doing, I have to admit I am loving this equipment. And the earpieces are actually comfortable! Not only that, but we can play music! I can't hate everything because I'm upset about the mission, so I'm not complaining. I do have training of course, but Charlotte I'm not so sure about because the way it looks now, she looks... Scared? I'm not sure how she's feeling since she's just been standing there saying all the nicknames she had ever come up with scolding herself if she repeated one.

"Charlotte, you ready? Charlotte?"

"Amander. Mama Bear. Big face. Big beard. Boulder man. Wait no I said that already. AGH BAD. Ok. Giggly Goober Group."

And the rambling continued as I stared her down...

"CHARLOTTE" I practically yelled as I shook her back to her senses.

"Ya? Oh wow you look great! Wow! We look good! Thanks Amanda! Now all boys will be swooning over us!"

Seriously? She was just rambling like some possessed weirdo and now she's thinking of boys?

"Umm you alright Charlotte? And um thanks for the equipment. We'll make sure to keep in contact with you on the road."

"About that. We're not exactly going to be on a road. We're um traveling through the forest..."

The forest... The flipping forest... You've got to be kidding me. How wonderful. We get to pump up our energy and jump from tree to tree. I could feel my eye start to twitch and the others start to stare me down.

"UGH! I am so done with this! Let's go Charlotte. Let's go throw our knowledge away to go jump from tress and go see werewolves that probably aren't even doing anything! What a great adventure! Exciting right?! Oh when we get back she so owes me!"

Yeah, I burst. When I burst, I burst... I stormed out the door holding Charlotte by the collar dragging her slightly as she followed behind me. Forcefully.


So I guess I underestimated the trip because as soon as we climbed the first tree in the forest to start off I felt so relaxed. I also felt a feeling that felt like a calling. Did I mention the breeze? It just felt so peaceful! I could stay up in that tree for days! I held on to a branch with a tight grip as I let the wind blow through me as I closed my eyes taking in the aura of the forest. It felt so peaceful.

"Ummmm what are you doing?"

I then snapped out of it and back to reality when Charlotte spoke to me. Whoops. Guess I drifted off into space.

"Sorry! So I guess we'd better get going! Or jumping at least."

And with a quick nod we started jumping out of the tree just to land in another tree. As I almost face planted into a tree trunk, it dawned on me. We don't know where we're going...

I press a button on the Bluetooth and connect to contact Amanda.

"Hey what's up! That was fast, you there already?"

"Umm no. We uh just got started but uh we don't know where we're going..."

"OMG that's right! I'm so sorry! I'll send the directions to you right now! It will show up on your glasses. You will see a map appear. A small one. When you see it, tap on it and wait until I say. I'll be sending a visual and I'll manually create a path on the map for you. You'll know it when you see it. Alright. It's finished! Happy travels! Contact me when you get to the border and I'll tell you what you're going to be looking for. Signing out. Good luck."

I take a deep breath before going over the instructions briefly and doing what Amanda told us. Soon enough we were back to jumping from trees except this time in the right direction and us knowing where we're going. After about an hour or so of jumping through trees we finally arrived at our set mission destination. It looked just as peaceful as it felt except the only difference was that there was a huge empire of sorts. More like a kingdom. It was big and beautiful. I couldn't help but stop in my tracks and stare in awe. Truly, it looked brutal but that didn't drown out the beauty in my opinion. I'm sure whoever was running that place, the Alpha, must most certainly be strong and powerful. It's like I could feel the aura of his power.

"Wow. So now what?"

It was nice to see Charlotte had the same thoughts. At least for the time being.

"You know. I wonder how handsome the boys here are. From what I've heard from the association, werewolf boys are incredibly handsome. I wonder if we're hunting any."

I grunted at the words 'hunting' as I was brought back to reality.

"Amanda. We've arrived so what are we supposed to do now."

"Alright so you're going to scout the border but be sure no one from the inside sees or hears you. If they find out you're here, you're dead. Signing off. Good luck, you'll need it."

Ok then... Scouting. Right. Just looking around making no contact. Just a boring, harmless mission. I snap out of my trance and look to Charlotte as she awaits our orders.

"So apparently we are secretly observing the border. Can't let anyone know... Those are our orders." She looked a bit confused but she nodded as she started for the edge of the kingdom empire thing. After just watching for a bit I head for the other half that she didn't head to. I was impressed at how unguarded it was. I would've thought there would be guards at every possible post, but there literally is like no one.

"They must be in some sort of meeting or attending an important event." I had said under my breath, barely audible.

Hmmmm how could it be so deserted. I approached closer, going inside the territory losing all sense of what I was doing. It couldn't hurt to just look around would it? My curiosity had gotten the best of me. Soon enough I heard people approaching so I quickly went to hide, climbing up a tree watching their every move. As I saw who approached a handsome boy who seemed to be my age was talking with what seemed like either his associates or friends. Too hard to tell so I leaned in a little closer. Wrong move. As if he sensed me he snapped his head around looking straight at me. Scared of his intense gaze I stepped back only to slip and fall out of the tree revealing myself. No time to feel pain because his eyes widened then narrowed as he looked angered and so I did what my conscious told me to do. Run.

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