Chapter 25: I Love You

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Liam's POV
I gotta say, it was embarrassing when I practically jumped on Zack, but that was all in the past. Because now I say it was totally worth it. I clung to him and since no one could pry me off of him, he carried me all the way back to the hotel! And so here we are now, it's still storming outside and I'm still clinging to Zack. No one could pry me off no matter how they tried to get me off. They tried to scare me off of him but I'm sure you could imagine how that happened. They made it worse. So now, I was cuddled up in bed with Zack. Every time lighting struck, he'd comfort me. I started getting used to it when it seemed like it was dying down, until lightning lit up the entire room. At first, I was trying to "play it cool" but that all went out the door when I discovered how much safer I was dropping the act and clinging onto my mate. Much better. He actually seemed to be enjoying this too which makes it even better. Another bolt of lightning struck close by and I screamed and jumped onto Zack again.
"Hey, it's ok! It's not gonna get you."
"But it could certainly lead up to my death."
He let out a hearty chuckle and nuzzled his face into my neck. This immediately calmed my nerves and I leaned into him. This mate bond sure does come in handy.
"Ok. I think I'm ok now."
He slowly began unwrapping his arms around me, much to my disapproval.
"Oh no you don't. When I say I'm ok, I mean I'm ok as long as you are with me! Close contact."
He smiled against my neck, sending a shiver down my spine.
"You've got a serious fear of storms."
"I like it."
It sounded cruel at first but when I looked at him, I knew exactly what he meant. He liked it because of the moments we shared because of the storm. I liked it too. Especially because I get special treatment heh heh heh. Although I hate storms I was kinda hoping the storm would happen tomorrow too so I could spend my day cuddling with Zack. It was quite comforting. Plus, it gets better. One thing lead to another and well, we got a wee bit more romantic. I felt my eyes drift to his lips. I couldn't help but lick my own, hungrily. Of course, he caught me and seemed to have read my mind because his lips came crashing down on mine. Sparks were surging through me now and I was ecstatic. It was just a small make-out session because I am falling asleep. But I gotta say, Zack is a kissing pro. Soon after, I fell asleep with him cuddling me.
I was just walking around in the forest like I always do during my me time. It was peaceful, gentle breeze, couple leaf tornadoes here and there but it was autumn so it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. Weirdly, the leaves swarmed into a giant tornado, a couple inches taller than me. When the leaves settled down, there was a boy about my age and taller. We locked eyes and I could see worry creased into his eyebrows.
"Zack?" Nothing. He couldn't hear me. Then all of a sudden there was someone else, it was me. He looked angry and disgusted. No, why was I looking at Zack like that?
"Zack!" I tried again but still no signs of him hearing me. No. This can't be happening!
"ZACK," I screamed. I kept screaming his name, hoping he'd hear me but he couldn't.
Soon, the other me began to speak. I stared at him in shock.
"I, Liam-"
"Beta of the-"
"NO! ZACK LISTEN TO ME!" I tried reaching out but there was some invisible wall separating me from the scene. I desperately banged on the wall, hoping it'd break but it wouldn't. I broke down into tears, slowly falling to the ground but still desperately calling out to Zack
"Reject you as my mate..."
"NO! IT'S NOT TRUE! PLEASE!" I screamed.
I looked at Zack, and here was pain in his eyes but he quickly hid it underneath a blank expression.
"I accept your rejection, but spare me. Could you at least tell me why?"
"You're not what I want or need. I'm not into things like you."
Zack blinked in shock but went back to a blank expression.
"Very well."
I stared at him shocked and repeating the same word under my breath. No. Zack turned on his heal and began walking away.
"NO!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Zack shifted into his wolf and I started sprinting after him as he took off.
It was no use.
I shot up from the bed, drenched in sweat. Zack was already up, next to me. He was watching me with weary eyes.
He blinked a couple times in confusion before pulling me into him and responding.
"I'm here, it's me. It's really me. I'm here. It was just a dream, I'm here."
I couldn't help but start crying again, in fear of actually losing him.
"Do you want to tell me what you were dreaming about?"
"It was awful."
He hugged me tighter and I started to relax.
"I rejected you. But it wasn't what I really wanted. And you walked away from me like it was nothing. And I couldn't stop you. And-"
"That's enough. Shhh, don't worry."
"Promise me that if I ever try to push you away in any way possible you'll stay as close to me as possible?"
He chuckled, "I promise."
"I'm being serious."
"I promise."
He smiled at me and leaned in and gave me a gentle kiss. Right then, there it was. I had this feeling. I was safe as long as I was with him. I mean sure I had the Beta title but with him, I'm powerless and he's my knight in shining armor. Finally I'm not saving everyone!
Zack was rubbing soothing circles on my back, wiping away my leftover tears. I looked up at him and I couldn't help but smile. I had a knight in shining armor. The moon goddess gave me a god. I sighed contently and nestled into his chest. He placed a gentle kiss on my forehead before we both fell asleep.
I woke up to the sunlight coming through the window and nuzzled into Zack's chest, forcing my eyes shut. Zack's grip around me tightened and I sighed in content. After a little longer, Zack finally woke up and greeted me with a kiss.
"Good morning sleepy head," I greeted.
"You're the one sleeping right now aren't you?"
"Yeah but I tried to wake you up earlier," I shot back and gave him a quick peck.
"So what's the plan for today?"
"Well you have work to do today."
"I do? Since when?"
"Since Mason became the Alpha and you his beta."
"Oh. I forgot about that."
Wow. I have work today? Hm.
"Oh shit! I have work today!"
I shot out of bed and hopped in the shower. Zack prepared my clothes and got me some snack food to eat on the way. I sprinted out of the shower and practically slipped, knocking Zack back onto the bed.
I checked the clock behind him then shot up again and got dressed. I was opening the door when Zack called out to me. I had a granola bar in my mouth, shoes in hand, clothes on.
He dangled keys in his hand, "Your keys, Liam."
He threw them and I quickly caught them.
He chuckled and watched me zoom down the hall, hobbling as I struggled to get my shoes on. I rode down the elevated casually, checking my watch then feeling my pockets.
I forgot my phone... Oh well, Zack will take care of it.
The elevated stopped at the next floor and a bunch of people stepped in and all were getting off of different floors before my stop. I checked my watch then quickly stepped through them and rushed to the door leading to the stairs. I will admit that I ran into the door first. I rushed down three flights of stairs then through the lobby to the conference room and burst through the door. I stopped in my tracks as soon as I stepped into the room. The people were in the middle of some sort of deal. This was the wrong room.
"Sorry, wrong room."
The head person pointed to the room next door where Mason and Katie were watching laughing their heads off.
I shuffled out the door and stepped into the correct room where Katie was bending over trying to catch her breath.
"So, how was your day off?"
"You'd better spill every detail because I can smell him all over you."
I could feel my face heat up and I face palmed and sat down in the chair.
"Please, no taunting, no teasing, no mocking."
"Okay. So the reason we're all here today isn't just for vacation. Liam I need to know I still have a beta."
"Of course, why wouldn't you?"
"I just don't want you to be too distracted."
I raised a brow, challenging his doubts.
"Ok cut to the chase please Mason."
"Well. Based on information we've got from Evly's family we have much to prepare for."
"Alright girls what'd you do this time."
"I didn't do anything!" Katie objected.
"Right so what's the problem?"
"The hunters want to launch an attack on an ally of ours."
"And our ally needs our help."
"We're sending Zack along with a group of our soldiers."
"Because he's a part of our pack now and we need him for this."
"Alright fine. What's his position."
"He's leading. Front lines," Katie blurted.
"Mason can I talk to you for a minute. Alone."
The girls quickly filed out leaving me with Mason.
"You're kidding right."
"Liam he's stronger than some of our best soldiers! He can lead I know it!"
"That's not what I'm concerned about. What are you up to Mason."
"Information. It's a simple, small mission I promise."
"None of your missions turn out to be small Mason."
"Look I'm just trying to look into more information about a certain threat."
"Threat as in a threat to Evly's safety."
"I- no. That's not. Don't bring Evly into this!"
"Then don't pour your problems on Zack!"
"I'm not!"
"Then what is this mission about! Why do you need Zack for this! I don't want him to do your dirty work Mason. That's my job as your-"
"Beta. I know."
"As your friend Mason."
"I haven't and I certainly will not change my mind. Now I just need to know that I still have my beta on my side."
"Fine. As long as I get to help with this 'situation' too."
"Then it's settled. Oh and by the way, there's still plenty of time for you and your mate to have some alone time."
"I said no taunting," I whined.
Mason opened the door and Evly and Katie fell at his feet. I blinked in surprise as Mason seemed to have tensed a bit.
"So when's Liam's next date?"
My jaw dropped in shock and I stormed out the room in embarrassment.
As I was headed towards the elevator I saw something flash in the corner of my eye. I turned around quickly but there was no one there. Then I almost missed it but I caught it.
He was here.
To shake up my nerves even more, the elevator door dinged and then opened, making me jump and scream. The people in the elevator gave me a funny look and I quickly composed myself and waved with a cheeky smile. As the people exited the elevator, the last person still standing there was Zack. I looked around cautiously then ran in and jumped on Zack and he held me up. As the doors closed, I made sure to give him a welcoming steamy kiss.
"Well hello to you too."

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