Chapter 26: He's Back

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Evly's POV
I watched as Liam jumped on his mate in the elevator and couldn't help but smile. He's out of his slump already.

I turned to see Katie cautiously approaching me, a nervous look on her face.

"What's up Katie? What've you got there?"

She looks at me confused but realization hits her as she looks between me and the unopened letter.

She's scared. I can sense it all over her.

I looked at her warily and gently took the letter from her. It was unmarked. No sender. I flipped it over to see a seal I thought I never would have had to see.

"I told them we were finished. And by the looks of it, this isn't a simple greeting. Katie get Mason for me, please."

She nodded and briskly walked to where Mason was. She whispered something in his ear and they immediately approached me. I gently opened the letter to reveal its purpose. It was an invitation. There was a file attached with a picture, face down. I flipped over the picture to see a wicked smile staring back at me. I immediately dropped the file on the ground and all that was going through me were flashbacks of all the stories I've heard about him, my encounters with him, everything. And every time it was the same, wickedly evil laugh. The next thing I knew I was staring into Mason's eyes as he was shaking me and getting my attention. He had a soft gaze, frightened almost.

"How about dinner tonight. Just the two of us, my treat."
"Sounds great."
A/N: Incredibly sorry that it goes from a POV to third person, not sure how I did that!
"Katie, any new updates?"

"No, but please don't worry about it! Just enjoy your date, alright?"

"Am I even wearing the right clothes? We haven't gone on a date in a while now."

Evly gingerly stepped out in a cute sun dress, modeling it off. She added in a little spin and Katie clapped, cheering her on. This caused Evly to laugh before putting on a serious face and looking at Katie.

"But seriously, does it look ok?"

"You look beautiful," Mason interjected.

Evly spun around to face Mason in the doorway and watched as he walked in, taking her hand.

"Are you ready?"


Mason took her out to the garden and to their special tree. Evly traced her fingers over the engraved heart with their initials.

Mason came around and wrapped an arm around her waste. He pulled her in for a sweet, lasting kiss.
Evly hummed in response before they broke away and took a moment to stare at each other.

"I don't know what I'd do without you."

Mason held her close and Evly snuggled into him.


Young little Kelly came prancing over to where they stood. She stared up innocently at the pair.

"Oh. Am I interrupting? Sorry. But this is important and I absolutely need Evly right this instant!"

"Oh. Ok."

Mason groaned but Evly laughed. She gave him a peck on the cheek and walked away with Kelly.

"So. People have been talking and I've been listening. They've been talking about you. Again. All good things all good things. Just one teeny tiny problem."

"And what is that?"

Kelly whipped out a decorative envelope with the rubber seal.

"Where'd you get this?"

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