Chapter 15: Dancing in the Moonlight

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  Evly's POV
"So, excited for tonight!" Katie wiggles her eyebrows at me.

That is when it hit me and I start to freak.

"Oh crap oh crap oh crap.... The ball... It's tonight... In less then 6 hours."

"Jeez you hyperventilate fast. I just ask about tonight and you're already pacing back and forth. You know you're going to look beautiful!"

"Katie, I'm serious. I'm scared to death!"


"Well I only touched up on dancing and plus there's even more people than the first one I went to. And plus there's the big me and Mason which makes me have to make a good impression on everyone!"
"Evly you do know everyone here already trusts you."

I know Katie's right but I can't help but feel nervous. I'm almost shivering in fear. I have less than 6 hours to prepare myself. I'm so not ready.

"You alright there? You've been staring at the wall for quite some time."

"Sorry, just lost in thought."


Me and Katie look to see Amanda in the doorway.

"Evly you shouldn't be worrying so much. I sent my design in first thing this morning and the crew is already working on the dress."

I guess this sort of relieves a bit of stress... I'm not sure why these impressions matter to me so much but this gut feeling tells me that I have to get them to like me no matter what.

"Evly, you're beautiful and you're going to look even more stunning tonight. That I can promise you!" "I second that!"

"Thanks guys. I'm still a little on edge though..."

I could always count on Amanda and Katie to guide me through their pack and cheer me up.

"It's just too bad that your hunter friends aren't coming tonight."

"Well that part doesn't bother me to be honest."

There's an awkward silence after that and I decide to speak up.

"I just have a gut feeling I'm being watched and that I need to be that big leader that everyone can rely on."


Of course Amanda is the one to make light of the situation. And I love that about her! This pack is seriously a big friendship circle. We all have a fit of laughter before having to gasp for air.

"We can always count on you for changing the mood. And that's a good thing."

All of us stay there just talking about so many different things. Before we know it 2 hours have passed. "Miss Amanda, the dress is ready for fitting."

Amanda clapped her hands together and I can see the excitement in her eyes.

"Wonderful! Now Evly I need you to follow me!"

Before I responded she pulled me by my wrist and half dragged me to a fitting room.

"So. Now that we've gotten most of the adjustments, how is it?"

"It's beautiful. But it's still a little loose around my-"

"Say no more! Tape measure. Scissors. Pin please. Ta da! How's that?"

"Well that was fast. It feels much better, thank you."

I step off the little stand to look in the mirror and Katie rushes over in case I need help.

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