Chapter 3: Panic

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Evly's POV

Run. That was all that ran through my mind. So I quickly jumped up from where I fell and ran uphill towards the forest. Stupid move though because everyone knows you can't outrun a werewolf. What can I say, I panicked. Quickly out of instinct, I ran to the spot I last saw Charlotte and shout out of panic.


That was all I could manage before two wolves ran after me, close behind. Soon I was close to the edge of the forest when I look back to see how much time I have left before they catch me. But when I look back panicked, I can see a blurred Charlotte that's still at the border and two wolves smirking at me, one looking like he was ready to pounce. I quickly snap my head back looking at the forest and I see a good strong tree ahead. I then went into what I call my analytical mode. I narrow my eyes focusing on the tree as my glasses circle a spot where I can jump off of. I quickly speed up a tad when I hear a laugh behind me.

"You can't outrun a wolf, little girl."

And that was what set me off. No one calls me 'little girl.' I sped up more, eyes narrowed hands by my equipment as I then jump off a spot on the tree, turning myself around and in midair I shoot a tranquilizer dart, the closest wolf dodging and it hit the second wolf. And as soon as he dodged the dart I throw a little gadget thingy that you throw and it wraps around whatever it lands on. The rope quickly wrapped around the closest wolf's ankles, making him fall to the ground. As I lean over out of breath, Charlotte finally comes over as I start to take in what just happened. And that was when I went right back to panic mode.

"Woah." Was all I got from Charlotte.

"Oh no. Oh no no no. This wasn't part of the plan. We weren't supposed to come into contact with any of the wolves! This is bad, vey bad. I ruined my first mission!"

Then I walk over to the first wolf that's still conscious and I bend over to face him.

"I'm so sorry! I panicked!"

He looked at me angrily and then he began to speak.

"Liar. You stupid hunter."

"Woah there. First of all I'm not a hunter, I'm a girl meaning I'm a huntress. There's a difference. And secondly how am I stupid when you're immobilized right now?"

"Just you wait, once I get out of this trap I'll beat your ass until you're begging for mercy."

Angrily I kick him hard in his sensitive area, making him cringe with pain.

"That's enough talking from you."

As if on cue, Charlotte shot him with a tranquilizer dart, making me panic.


"What? You said that was enough talking from him and plus he used foul language in front of us both."

"I was going to cut him loose! Too late now though, we'd better take them back home and get them healed up. I hope I don't get suspended for this..."

I then call Amanda through the Bluetooth earpiece.

"Amanda. What I need to tell you is for your ears, and your ears only."

"Oh that's totally fine because everyone's gone right now. They went to go to a party or something."

I then begin to think how to explain what happened.

"Ok so. There was a bit of an incident. I uh kind of shot down--they're not dead just unconscious--two wolves that were chasing me because they saw me spying. What do I do? I want to bring them back and get them healed up before sending them back so we don't get in trouble."

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