Chapter 14: Hello?

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  Mason's POV
I felt like I was flying I was so happy. I walked out of Evly's room with a satisfied smile on my face. I was so lost in thought I almost ran into Liam.

"You look happy."

I rolled my eyes at his remark.


He cleared his throat and wiped the smirk off his face before continuing.

"We have visitors from another pack. They claim that they heard about the war between us and the hunters and wanted to help out."

I knew he was serious but I honestly wasn't that sure what to do.

"Alpha, what's your call?"

"Welcome them. A warm welcome for our new guests. But keep a close eye on them."

Liam nodded in agreement before leaving. I decided I'd better go back to tell Katie and Evly. When I entered the room, Katie was telling Evly everything she knew about shifting and I couldn't help but stand in the doorway watching them.

"Ya! Once you get the hang of it, it's so much fun to be in wolf form! I promise you you'll love being a werewolf!"

"Are you sure? Because it still seems kind of scary."

I decided I'd better stop standing there like an idiot and start including myself.

Ha! You decided huh?
My wolf couldn't help but make sure he was still part of my thinking too. Anyways... Both girls seemed shocked to see me again.

"I just thought I'd let you know that we've got guests from another pack to help clean up the mess the war left."

"You mean that the..."

"War's over."

I finished Evly's sentence for her. She looked so excited. I couldn't help but stare at her lovingly. "Great! Guests! Guess that's my cue to make sure it doesn't turn into a disaster!"

Katie practically zoomed out of the room after seeing I was staring at Evly. Whatever. I couldn't help but chuckle a bit. Katie came sprinting back after about a minute or two.

"You'd better invite these guests to stay for the week and invite them to the ball/party thing because they look like lost boys! Meaning they must know Peter Pan!!!"

She squealed which hurt my ears. It's nice to know when she's happy but when she's fangirling it gets a little out of hand.

"Alright but please keep the fangirling to a minimum."

I can't help but roll my eyes as she starts squealing internally. But we all just laugh it off.

"You um... Feeling well enough to see our so called visitors?"

She gave me a soft smile and started crawling out of the bed. As soon as she stood up her face brightened up even more.

"I'd love to come along but do you think you could help me walk a bit? I don't need that much help I just need help with a couple first steps."

I knew she was so independent she didn't want help but her offering this is a chance I will remember. She can rely on me. Meaning she trusts me. Now I just hope I don't fanboy too much... She was having trouble walking, and by the look on her face it was a bit painful still.

"You don't have to..."

"No! I can."

She didn't hesitate to let go and start walking on her own. She stumbled a bit but she only swatted my hand away.

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