Chapter 12: Captured

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Evly's POV
When I regained consciousness I was in a dark room tied to a chair. How cliché. A shadowy figure came to approach me.

"Ah! My love, you're finally awake!"

Right then and there I knew exactly where I was. Oh you've got to be kidding me.

"I am not your love. What the hell do you want anyways?"

He only chuckled seeing I was angry.

"Oh I'm surprised you asked that. I warned you before, didn't I? Oh and I almost forgot! Bree, won't you be a darling and come introduce yourself."

And out steps Mason's ex-girlfriend. And by the looks of it, ex pack member also.

"I believe we've encountered but I've never formally introduced myself! I'm Bree! You must be Evly! The boyfriend snatcher."

She looked like she was about to slap me but of course evil mastermind doesn't want that. He pulls her away almost immediately.

"Now darling! Be nice! She's a special... Addition."

I can feel myself shiver after he spoke when Bree made an evil smile. She came close with my dagger in her hand. She came behind me and... Cut the ropes?

"Wait. What exactly are you going to do to me?"

"You're going to be his new maid! You get to follow his every command! Then after that we can get on to the test."

She shoved me into a closet, showing me a short maid dress.

"You're kidding, right?"

"Oh if you want, we have shorter ones that would fit a person like you!"

I don't know why I decided to pretend to be so obedient... He had me doing nothing bad, luckily but they kept watching me and taking notes or something. Later on, he made sure that I would respond with. 'Yes, master.' If only I were dreaming. While I was mopping the floor I couldn't help but eavesdrop on their conversation.

"So what are you getting out of this when you're not making her do anything."

I automatically knew what she was implying but I kept listening in.

"I don't need her for that kind of stuff my darling. I already have you as a prize. She's just a pawn in my little game."

I have such a bad feeling about this. I was probably cleaning the floor longer then I should have because they started eyeing me in suspicion.

"You've been mopping for an awful long time. Maybe we should give you a different job."

I mentally groaned at the idea of another stupid job.

"Why don't you entertain us."

"Oh no, I don't do entertainment."

Sure I could've done it, but really I am not going to do anything Bree orders me to do. This is all stupid anyways. She makes a face to show that she's hurt by my words and of course he is all over her now.

"I believe that was supposed to be a 'yes, master.'"

This is all incredibly stupid.

"What is your request then, master," I respond, venom laced in my tone.

"Do something that makes us laugh."

"Alright. Why don't I tell you a funny story. There was a girl forced to work for a stupid idiot and his snobby princess so in the end she kills them both. The end."

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