Chapter 5: Greetings

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Evly's POV
I woke up in the morning to this great feeling and this warmth. Wait. I open my eyes to see I'm nestled into Mason's chest. Before I close my eyes again I realize it's not just me and Mason anymore and my eyes burst open. You've got to be kidding me right now. I almost instantly back away and I'm pretty sure Mason sensed my disgust. Poor guy, I feel bad because whenever I'm disgusted, he senses it. Stupid enhanced senses.

Clearing my throat I broke the lingering silence, "Sorry I guess I got cold last night, heh heh." God this is so embarrassing.

"Aww you guys are so cute! You guys would look so cute as a couple!" Amanda cooed. Automatically I sent her a disapproving look. She immediately stopped cooing and kept a straight face, although Liam started laughing. Ah jeez.

"Alright well enough fun and games we need to get back to the pack." I could practically feel his distress. Right away everyone left the tent, including me. We all took down camp together before heading back into the forest. Just to break the silence I start humming a beat to a start of a song. Luckily everyone starts to join in and we all start singing along. After the song ends we all burst into laughter until I stop as we approach the end of the forest. Mason is the first to notice me tensing up as he puts his hand on my shoulder, breaking my trance.

"Hey don't worry alright! The pack's gonna love you. I promise."

I send him a fake smile before following him out of the forest and down to where we had our first encounter. I couldn't help but think about what his pack might think of me if they hear the whole story... Or if they hear that I'm like their worst enemy, a hunter. We enter through a garden as Mason had suggested but suddenly stop before the door.

"Wait here alright, we won't be long. Liam will come out to get you when we're uh. Ready."

And just like that we're stranded in a garden. A couple seconds later the silence breaks completely. "So why was Mason in your room last night?" Charlotte questions.

"Yeah, and what's up with you and him. Since when were you two so close?" Amanda didn't even bother letting me answer Charlotte's question before jumping me with another question.

"Uhhh. What? I don't know what you're talking about." I try to shake off the question, which they catch onto, causing Amanda to ask me another question.

"So what really happened?"

There really isn't a way out of it so I decide I'd better just tell them the truth.

"I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. He wouldn't leave my tent and I fell asleep and rolled into him. There is nothing, no romance going on between us."

"Riiiiight." Before I could argue, Liam propped open the door.

"Ready guys!?"

Grumbling I entered first as Charlotte and Amanda sent me glares. They can believe whatever they want...

When we first enter, all I can think is that this place is a total fortress. Liam leads us into a ballroom where everyone is gathered. Off to the side, Mason is talking to a bunch of people who must be important people in his pack. He turns to greet us. But, as he's greeting us, a blonde girl comes running across the room.


All heads turn to look at the girl, who frankly I know. I can't help but give into laughter.

"You're okay! Oh thank gods!"

"Yup, I'm all-"

Mason is cut off when Katie slaps him in the face.

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