Chapter 22: Fully Mated?

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Katie's POV

I woke up to sunlight streaming through the curtains into the room. I checked the clock to see I was awake just in time! It was around 12:00 p.m. Nothing better than waking up in the afternoon. I decided I'd better get up and talk to whoever is still here at the cabin. Ugh it's still so early... I didn't even bother changing out of my pajamas. I walked over to the kitchen to get some food to eat but before I even got to the kitchen I could hear little whispers and giggles. Sounds like a teenager's relationship. Don't want to even bother with interrupting that. Wait a minute. There aren't any youngsters here. I poked my head around the corner and found it was just Evly and my brother.

Ok. Just play it cool. If anything they won't even notice you. Yup. Secret agent status starting up now. Operation get the cereal and don't get caught.

I quickly did a tip-toe run and grabbed the cereal box then rushed back, whipping around the corner. I casually slowed my pace and peaked around the corner to find that I had not been noticed.

Ah ya, mission...

And just like that I ran right smack into Liam's chest.

Ok, play it cool again.

"Hey watch where you're-"

"Katie? What in the world are you doing? The kitchen is that way."

I could feel not only Liam's eyes on me but now Mason and Evly's eyes burning into the back of my skull.

Alright, let's just play it cool... Again.

"Ah ha ha! Oh you're so funny Liam!"

I playfully punched Liam in the chest but ended up hurting my precious fist.

I mouthed a little ow to hide the pain from everyone. Liam raised an eyebrow, probably suspecting me of committing some kind of weird crime. And also because he saw that it actually hurt my hand...

I cleared my throat to break the awkward silence. I put my head down then started to head back to the kitchen.

"Right. Kitchen, that way."

I was walking away from everyone but was stopped when Liam stopped me in my tracks using the collar of my shirt.

"Hey! What's the big deal, Liam?"

Liam let out a low warning growl.


"I mean what's up Liam! Heh heh."

Evly, sensing the tension spoke up.

"Stand down Liam. You seriously just need to relax. Just let it go alright? Me and Mason will take care of the questions."

"Ya Liam, you really need to relax. It could ruin your health if you don't relax once in a while. Like go back to being your careless, acrobatic, energetic old self."

"Gee, thanks boss."

He made the word boss bold when he spoke and to emphasize it more his eyes got wider and he did a little head bob, making me shrink down, and more importantly drop my box of cereal.

Eyeing me, Mason bent down and picked up the cereal.

"Katie, what were you doing with a box of cereal?"

"Oh, you know. Same old, same old."

Mason raised an eyebrow at me as if he wanted a different answer.

"I was bringing it to my room to eat. Until Mr. Grumpy Pants stopped me."

"I believe you were last heading to the kitchen."

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