Chapter 17: Disaster leads to Fear

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Evly's POV

He was still sitting in the same chair as the video and his gaze was staring off into the distance. "Mason, are you alright?"

I stepped closer and debated whether or not to touch him or just shout at him to get him out of his trance.

"Mason it's me."

I touched his shoulder and he immediately snapped out of his trance, but he then shot his arm out and started choking me. I was shocked and I couldn't do anything but try to grab his attention while gasping for air. His eyes were darkening, something was off with him. I turned his head slightly do that he was looking into my eyes. He immediately released me and muttered, "Mate." I could feel myself grinning knowing he's not going to hurt me.

"Katie come here! Mason's ok!"

I look back at Mason but my smile immediately disappears. This isn't the same Mason I met before. Before I could ask if he was ok his lips came crashing down on mine. I almost immediately pushed him away.

"What the hell are you doing. This isn't you, Mason."

He let out a low warning growl.

"Of course this is me. Are you saying you don't want this?"

"Actually kind of."

He let out another warning growl making me take a step back.

"You foolish girl. You should know better than to reject your mate, especially if he's an Alpha."

"Katie, where are you?"

I look back to try and find Katie but when I look back, Mason's eyes are glazed over. Something's wrong with his wolf.

"Mason! Mason, it's me! Snap out of it! Get in control!"

His eye twitched before he took a step forward, making me take a step back.

"Mason you need to get in control of your wolf."

"Is that a command? Are you commanding me?"

I felt a shiver run down my spine. At this point, I'm pretty sure I was shaking with fear. I've never seen this side of Mason. As he stepped closer, I backed up as fast as I could, leading me to bump into a wall. Why does this have to happen to me! This is seriously like so cliche. I am dead, so dead. At this point I wasn't exactly sure what to do so before I could think about my next move, I was screaming at the top of my lungs. Without thinking I kicked him where it hurts the most and ran. I ran down the halls before coming to a halt when I found Katie. Before I could call out to her I heard a low growl. He found me. Before I could scream again or protest, Mason grabbed me from behind and covered my mouth to muffle my cries of protest. I did everything I could to escape but he was just too strong. I blame superhuman Alpha strength.

"I'm going to teach you to obey your Alpha you little mutt."

This made my blood boil and I could feel my wolf surfacing.

"You really want to go down that road, Alpha? Well I've got a few words for you too."

"Is that so?"

"First of all, I hate you so much it makes my blood boil. Just the smell of you makes me sick. Ha, you call me a mutt but I got news for you, IT TAKES ONE TO KNOW ONE YOU LITTLE SHIT!"

If my wolf wasn't bursting with insults I would still be a kind innocent girl who wouldn't cuss. But him calling me a mutt was just so out of line my wolf was controlling part of my thoughts.

Mason let out a loud growl before throwing me through a wall. It hurt but it was worth it because now I can escape. When I saw Katie, she just looked up frozen in place.

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