Chapter 28: Guilt

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"No. No! Evly!" Katie screamed at the top of her lungs. She kicked the man behind her in the crotch before running to the collapsed Evly.

"Evly wake up. C'mon. Get up! NO! GET OFF OF ME! NO!"

The two men jerked her back and held her hands behind her back and she screamed and cried in protest. They forced her away from Evly and practically dragged her. She was still struggling and screaming to get them off causing them to grimace.

Finally, they knocked Katie out with a swift punch in the jaw. They stopped in their tracks when their Master came in. He grabbed Evly's jaw, forcing her head up. She was drifting in and out of consciousness causing him to laugh evilly.

"Bring them to the throne room. We'll wait for them to come to there."


"Evly's in trouble, I can sense it."

"No! Mason! You can't go there it's not safe!"

Mason grumbled but continued to march his way to the door. In attempt to stop him Amanda walked up to him and slapped him.

"Pull it together Alpha! You're not thinking clearly. If we lose Luna out there and you go after her what's left of us? Of our pack? You don't even have an heir! I know you want to go to her but you need to wait!"

"Why! Why do I have to wait!?! She's my mate! I can't just let her go knowing I could have done something to help her."

"Mason! You are an ALPHA. You are the only thing keeping this pack together with Evly gone. Do you understand!?!"

Mason sighed in frustration and sat himself down in the chair. He rubbed his hands over his face before putting them over his mouth silently hoping they would be ok.

"You're right. Just please update me as soon as you can contact them."

"They'll be ok, I know they will. They always find their way out of danger."


Evly came to and quickly began to panic. She writhed frantically in her bonds, observing everything around her.

"Evly, you're awake!"

"Katie, what happened? Are you alright?"

"It was such a sudden ambush. I don't understand; it's like they knew we were coming."

"Where's Lauren!?!"

"Over there. She still hasn't said a word."

"I'm gonna get us out of here. I promise you."

Her eyes welled up with tears as she continued to promise to keep them safe.

"They destroyed our coms. We have no way of contacting Amanda and the others."

Evly began to cry louder and Katie looked at her with pity and sorrow.

"Evly. We can do this. We can break out together and you'll be back with Mason in no time."

"I failed us, Katie. You both warned me but I ignored you and now look at us."

The door opened and in walked the Mastermind of it all. He walked slowly until he reached Evly and kneeled down to her height. He tilted her chin up and smiled as he watched the tears stream down her face.

"What a sight to behold."

He brought his face close to her ear before whispering in her ear, "You know you can still save them. All you have to do is say yes."

"No. I will never betray Mason in such a way."

"In the face of death, you still have that annoyingly attractive attitude."

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