Chapter 19: Back with a Proposal

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  Mason's POV
I woke up to the brightness of the early morning. Man I felt stiff! When I opened my eyes I saw Evly sleeping next to me. She looked so peaceful. Maybe I'll do something nice. So I got up, earning a few groans coming from Evly, and headed to the kitchen. Why not make an amazing breakfast for my amazing mate. I still don't know how she's able to cope with me. She's definitely a keeper though, especially since we've been through so much together. I start thinking back on all the things she's had to deal with before shivering at the rotten memories... I'm surprised she coped for this long. I just hope she'll be a permanent keeper. I definitely love her too much to let her go. Just walking through the halls, I hear my pack talking about how Evly was able to hold off an attack all on her own. Huh that's weird. I don't remember that happening. When I got to the kitchen, Liam was digging in the fridge again. Jeez... I went past him and into the closet to grab the pancake mix.

"Hey Liam while you're in there do you mind handing me ingredients for pancakes?"

Liam stood up and faced me.

"Hey! The big guy's back! You know your girlfriend is a real nice leader! You should've been there! She my friend is bada-"

I cleared my throat cutting him off.

"Ingredients please."

He finally handed me the stuff I need and I immediately got cooking. I put everything on a tray and I grabbed a couple utensils and the syrup. I proudly headed back to my room, tray in hand. When I got back to the room, Evly was still peacefully sleeping.

"Evly, wake up."

Evly groaned and rolled onto her side. This exposed a bruise on her neck. When I took a look at it I touched it just a bit and the memory of what happened instantly came to mind.

"Evly darling I made you breakfast."

She sighed and rolled back onto her back so she was facing me.

"It smells good."

I helped her rearrange the pillows so she could sit up. She yawned cutely but she caught me staring. "What?"


I showed her a weak smile and handed her the tray.

"Eat up I've got a tight schedule for the both of us."

She groaned before I gave her a quick peck on the lips.

"I'll be right back! But when I get back I expect at least half of your food to be eaten!"

I could tell she was about to protest but I knew she also didn't want to fight. I went back to my office and got a few things sorted and stuff then I dropped by Katie's to pick up a dress for Evly. When I got back, Evly had only eaten one out of the three pancakes I made her but she had devoured the hash browns completely. But the thing was I made her a lot of food for her to eat but she had only eaten about a quarter of it. Well I guess it's normal for her to eat as much as she did.

"Hey, I'm back. How you doing."

"I'm full..."

"Thought so. You know a lot of people were talking about you today."

She shifted uncomfortably so I took a seat on the bed next to her.

"They were all telling me how great of a Luna you are."

I'm pretty sure she sighed in relief but I didn't quite catch it.

"I didn't do anything huge to be honest with you. But I have no idea how you handle all that daily..."

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