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Mason could feel his heart break as he felt his bond with Evly slip away from him. His face paled and he sunk deeper into his seat, praying he wasn't feeling what he thought he was feeling.

Much to his dismay, Katie entered frantically, tears streaming down her face as she cried and spoke in broken sentences.

"Katie? What is it? What's wrong?"

"It's Evly."

"What about her?"

Katie looked up with the most heartbroken look on her face and Mason felt his own heart sink.

"She's dead!"

Mason felt his world shatter more than his heart hurt. He sat with Katie crying hysterically in his lap and he stared in shock at the wall. All his memories of Evly came to him in flashes as tears began to fall down his face. He cried before cradling Katie and whispering, "She's gone."

Kelly walked in tiredly, dragging her teddy bear on the ground.

"Alpha Mason? Where's Evly?"

He gave her a torn look and couldn't hide his pain. He got up and walked to Kelly. He kneeled down to meet her eyes and watched as she searched his.

"Kelly. I'm afraid Evly won't be coming home to us."

"No. You're wrong. She can't be!"

"I'm so sorry Kelly. I know how fond of her you were."

Kelly cried and punched Mason, hoping she heard him wrong and hoping he wasn't telling the truth. The news spread to everyone in the pack and they all took that night to cry and mourn their lost Luna.


The day of the funeral...

Everyone gathered with heavy hearts, all dressed in black for the occasion. No one could hold back their tears as they stared at the grave that put a hole in all their hearts. Each member of the pack walked up to the grave and placed a kiss on the gravestone.

Mason watched solemnly as Kelly walked up to the grave with a paper in hand.

"Dear Luna Evly. Thank you for teaching me to be strong. I don't think I could have done that without you. I also say thank you for playing with me. I'm gonna miss you a lot. Katie says you're in a better place now and that you can't play with me anymore. I think I understand what she means. Don't be sad you had to leave early. Be happy in your better place and make new friends. Maybe you can teach them how to stay strong like you did with me. One last thing, I love you Evly!" 

Kelly carefully folds the letter and places it gently at the base of the headstone and places a rock on top to anchor it. Touched by her speech, Katie cries helplessly into Peter's chest.

The rest of the members take this time to reminisce in their own memories with Evly. Each voice the impact she had on their lives and what they hope they can do for her as she watches over them from above.

Mason is the last to say something after staying quiet the entire funeral. He approaches the gravestone slowly before kneeling with a single blood red rose in his hand at his side.

"No words can do justice to how meaningful your presence was in this world. I'm so sorry. I should have been there to protect you."

The pack watches as Mason completely breaks down into hysterics, crying his heart out. Mason reaches out shakily and presses his hand to the name engraved.

"Don't leave me. Please. Please let there be some kind of miracle. I can't live without you."

Katie drops to the floor beside Mason and embraces him in a tight hug, trying her best to console him.

"I am lost without her."

"Mason. We all are. But she wouldn't want us to fall to our lowest like this. You know she would want you to move on."

"How? I can never forget her."

"You can still move on without forgetting her, Mason. I'm sorry but the pack needs you. You are our Alpha after all. Evly would want you to grow stronger now that she's gone."

Mason nods before facing the gravestone. He rubs his thumb over her name before kissing the engraved letters.

"I will never stop loving you, Evly. I'm sorry."

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