Chapter 7: Chemistry

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Evly's POV
When I woke up, there was a crowd of people leaning over just looking at me. The first face I recognize is Kelly's. I give her a confused look.

"We thought we heard you screaming about a fire. When we got here we just saw you struggling asleep."

"Oh. Sorry. Everything's alright! It was just one of my routine nightmares..."

"You're absolutely positively sure you're ok? You can talk to us, don't worry we're here to help." Katie sounded frantic as she spoke, compared to Kelly who seemed to be calm.

"I'm fine. There's nothing you need to worry about!"

This time, Liam spoke, "Evly, you can talk to them. You may have just met the pack but they're friendly! They will help you at any cost! Besides, you are Mason's..."

Katie elbows him in the ribs before he finishes his sentence.

"What Liam's trying to say is that we're all family here, we will treat you like family! So please just tell us, even if it's just for us to listen!"

Well I guess it wouldn't hurt to let them in on it too since we're gonna be visiting for awhile.

"It's just this same nightmare that starts and ends the same way each time. I never knew who my real family was and I don't remember anything from my life with them. I was apparently rescued and raised by hunters. They never told me about my past. But I don't know what triggered it but I've been having nightmares about fire. And that's basically it. I'm used to having this nightmare although it freaks me out every single time. So thanks for your kindness but I'm ok!"

Everyone stood in silence before Kelly broke the silence.

"I think you should spend the rest of the day with me and Alpha Mason. It's just supposed to be him babysitting me today but he's so boring. He never wants to do any of the things I want either. And when he does it it's just not the same because he doesn't smile."

Me, Katie, and Liam let out a couple muffled laughs.

"Ok. If it means you'll have a good day then sure."

"Am I that bad of a babysitter."

Everyone turns to see Mason in the doorway. Kelly crosses her arms and pouts.

"Yes! You never play dress up with me and you don't know how to make princess hairstyles! Plus you always spill the tea on my guests!" This time everyone's laughing.

They all leave soon enough and I dress in jeans and a blouse. After putting my hair up into a ponytail I walk over to meet Kelly and Mason. Before I get to the room, I hear Kelly shriek.

"Mason! You were supposed to watch it! Now we don't have any tea for Evly! You are terrible with tea dates! You're ruining my plans! Now Evly is going to show up any minute and we won't have tea for her!"

"Ok! I'm sorry! I was busy setting the table exactly how you want it! Can't we just give her chocolate!" I can just imagine Kelly doing a face palm. I decide to just wait outside the door for a little longer. "Chocolate!!! No! That's cliche! And it's not romantic! If you want to woo her then you have to do EXACTLY what I tell you! Ugh! And if you EVER get her chocolates make sure they're heart shaped so it's romantic!"

I let out a little laugh and then take a deep breath before knocking.

"Great. She's here. JUST LIKE I TOLD YOU!"

"Um. May I come in?"

I heard a couple crashes and ows before Kelly opens the door, dressed up in a little fairy costume. "Welcome! You may come in! We have a busy day today!"

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